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Grover Norquist Speech in New Orleans: The Vaping Movement Will Win!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
grover norquist is a piece of shit owned by the elite...a shadowy little backroom dealing fuck.......his endorsment is not something I celebrate.


Under Ground Hustler
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Lets say the 2016 presidency came about and a genius politician who hated vaping was running against a retarded chimpanzee.

Even if the only thing the chimpanzee could or would say if asked any and all questions about the country was:

"I will veto then shut down any and all attempts to regulate vaping as a tobacco product if I become president"

I honestly believe the retarded chimpanzee would be the best choice and will have done more to steer this country in the right direction than any other president has done in the previous 2 decades even if that's all he did.

Then in 4 years we could go right back to choosing from between 2 people who are significantly dumber than the chimpanzee.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Lets say the 2016 presidency came about and a genius politician who hated vaping was running against a retarded chimpanzee.

Even if the only thing the chimpanzee could or would say if asked any and all questions about the country was:

"I will veto then shut down any and all attempts to regulate vaping as a tobacco product if I become president"

I honestly believe the retarded chimpanzee would be the best choice and will have done more to steer this country in the right direction than any other president has done in the previous 2 decades even if that's all he did.

Then in 4 years we could go right back to choosing from between 2 people who are significantly dumber than the chimpanzee.
we have more important issues to deal with other than the right to vape.....christ we got around the alcohol prohibition, we got around the prohibiton on the unamed vegtable that people smoke, we can surely get around a vaping ban..until the population grows a brain.....although it pisses off anyone with half a brain that vaping is being banned...we still have more pressing concerns to deal with.


Member For 4 Years
Almost rather smoke than be allied with Grover Norrquist and his moronic, proud of knowing nothing, believe on Wednesday what he believed Monday - no matter what happened Tuesday destructive politics - almost, but not quite.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
grover norquist is a piece of shit owned by the elite...a shadowy little backroom dealing fuck.......his endorsment is not something I celebrate.
That makes no sense at all. He is all about disarming the political class and their crony capitalist buddies. Those are the elites I worry about. Nearly everything he stands for would benefit nearly every 'regular' working American. Since you hate him so much, I guess we can glean that you a politician who would lose power under the types of policies Norquist , or a lobbyist or CEO of a company that doesn't want to lose a connection in the political class that help you get to the "1%".

Come on... What would YOU lose if the rest of us get to keep what we earn and take care of our families? The pieces of shit are those who use their power to manipulate the population, skim the money, and use the power that the people entrusted to them for their own benefit, while intentionally maintaining a perpetual subclass of people that can't exist without them. They are the reason that children are being taught to add 2+2 using 50,000 steps with crayon drawings adorned with glitter stickers. What a fucking joke. Why not just say it. If we educate these people, they will eventually figure out that we are screwing them. The people trying to "protect" them are really just protecting their own interests. When a guy like Norquist comes along and tries to bust up the party, dolts come out of the woodwork to attack him. They can't let the truth go unanswered.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
norquist is a neo-con POS a member of the council on forgien relations. an eliteist.disarming crony capitalist get real the council on forgien relations is the seat of crony capitalists.

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