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Guest column: Is vaping safe?


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Member For 4 Years
You can buy liquids with lower nicotine levels over time while you try to quit.
But most people in studies go back to smoking or never stop vaping.
My advice would be if you can switch from smoking to vaping you should still set a quit date to be done with both.

Thank you Lisa Reed M.D. but since I do not subscribe to your articles or guest columns I will continue to reserve my right to just continue reading right over your silly nonsense.

Yes Lisa, you can certainly buy eliquids with low nicotine levels. It is quite extensive how you were able to ascertain this public knowledge, good job!
Yes Lisa, I will be one of the ones who CHOOSE to continue vaping because it is my choice and my life.
Lisa, my advice to you is maybe you should continue with your medical practice and leave the vaping for the vapers, you have done enough here!


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Nicotine patch?? Gum!!!
What about the OBVIOUS SIDE EFFECTS OF THIS PRODUCTS does she even know what kind of chemicals they put on this things!!!
Shut the hell up doc

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Member For 4 Years
Vaping certainly isn't good for anyone, but is so much better than tobacco cigarettes. There are conflicting views whether the 95% better than tobacco study by the UK is totally realistic or not, but it is better than the 0% better than the US which of course relies on tobacco as a cash cow and the fact that china manufactures e cigs to simply destroy the US reliance on the sale of tobacco and fund its its own opinion, and subsequently wants to destroy vaping.
I would say the UK actually just gives a shit about peoples lives around the world whereas, the US govt does not. Saying that as an American makes me quite sad.
I could not quit, and started vaping almost a year ago and have been completely tobacco Free for two months. Nothing else worked. You will read the same stories many times over from people all over the world.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dr.Reed was also quoted as saying..."I always hated the cool kids anyway, with their cigarettrs and sex and loud music....and their not every offering me a cig"

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