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Hard choices for RTA


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Been dripping for a few years and now that these sub ohm tanks are here I am looking to move over to the lazier side of vaping. Ordered a Fuchai 200w but froze on pulling the trigger on a tank. Thought I had it figured on the tfv4 but after my balk I started looking back at the mutation mt , then on the 3rd fan video I started looking at the others out there that may be worth my time and efforts. I love my mutation drippers and that deck looks big enough to build coils I am familiar with and the learning curve seems smaller with it. Other tanks offer prebuilt coils for even lazier times when I don't feel like building myself. Are the prebuilt coils worth the money as far as length of use and ability to wick vg that isn't diluted, or do they burn up fast and need +3% dilution of the vg? So many choices and I have no experience with tanks, need help wading through all the bull and fan reviews. TC may come up in the future but for now I like what I do. I reckon at my age I can only handle 1 change at a time lol.


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I have a TFV4 and a Mutation indulgence MT RTA. The mutation kills the TFV4.


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The Crown and TVF4 are equal in abilities. Tons of air, tons of vapor, tons of flavor. Seems the TVF4 has the edge in balls out production and super duper quad coils and RBA. Crown has the edge in awesome, inexpensive, trouble free pre made coils. There is no reason on looking further unless you are hell bent on sipping at 20w.

I just got the Crius RTA. Seems from most that have much more experience it's the best thing going. No idea yet if it's the undisputed champ of RTAs like the Crown and TVF4 currently are in sub ohm tanks.

I had Kanger STM and nano. I have two Crowns. Kanger has been left in the dust. I just got a Crius, and ordered 2 more. The vape is very good. Air, volume, flavor. On par with Crown. The deck is very easy, and it seems I got the wick right first time. Personally, I'm not thrilled with the time and hassle of building. But I'm even less thrilled with long term inhalation of products from China. Dripping is a no go for me. Seems the Crius is going to work good for me. And I still have plenty of coils for my Crowns. YMMV


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Red73 I am in the same boat as you. I have dripped for a little over a year and decided to try my luck at tanks. I was battling between the Crown and the TVF4 and after about a week I decided on the Crown and the only reason I picked it was because I wasn't sure how well the fill seal was going to last on the TVF4. Just as I was about the pull the trigger and order a Crown I started looking at the Crius and then ordered one, I cannot tell you how it compares to the Crown or the TVF4 but I can tell you I have been very happy with the Crius. Easy to work on deck and wick, heck I got it right the first time I tried, plenty of air and then there is the liquid flow adjustment as well.


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Crius I absolutely love. I will admit the wicking got one at the beginning but a little adjustment and BAM I got all flavor. dual coils easy to build deck. lots of air flow. juice control. its awesome. im at .43 ohms at about 42 W not to warm either :) just right.


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You might want to take a look at the Aromamizer with Velocity-style deck.


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The billow 2 nano is a nice tank too and easy to build on. I also enjoy the heck out of my bellus. I have the aromamizer but am not as happy with it - just not producing the clouds I like.

Thd TFV4 is in my rotation and I use it every night. The tri coil is awesome. The flavor and cloud are as close to a RTA as you get. I've had no issues filling it and no leaks yet. The RBA is meh but most RBAs do not impress me.


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Have both. MT-RTA > TFV4, Bellus > TFV4 and also noteworthy is that Aromamizer RDTA > TFV4. By a mile. And all I use is RTA's.

Adam Paseman

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You might want to take a look at the Aromamizer with Velocity-style deck.

I second this. Sooooo easy to build on, verticle coils or horizontal, so easy to wick as well. Produces great clouds and great flavor. Just wish it had topfill but its not that hard to fill.

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I second this. Sooooo easy to build on, verticle coils or horizontal, so easy to wick as well. Produces great clouds and great flavor.
Yeah. It was seeing this that got me interested:

I'm fascinated by that build :p

Just wish it had topfill but its not that hard to fill.
Eh. It's not as convenient as my Crius, but it's a damn sight easier than, say, a Goblin Mini. I'll take it.


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I've had all the rtas and sub tanks mentioned so far here and I find myself going to the ud bellus the most. Flavor is better then the aromamizer IMO

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Have both. MT-RTA > TFV4, Bellus > TFV4 and also noteworthy is that Aromamizer RDTA > TFV4. By a mile. And all I use is RTA's.
Ok, so everything is, in your opinion, better than the TFV4. Curious: How would you rank the MT-RTA vs. the Bellus vs. the Aromamizer RDTA, in order?


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Ok, so everything is, in your opinion, better than the TFV4. Curious: How would you rank the MT-RTA vs. the Bellus vs. the Aromamizer RDTA, in order?
Definitely! Want to buy a TFV4 cheap? Hahahah.

Anyway- MT>RDTA and RDTA=Bellus. BUT all three are very different. Rdta has the most airflow, I can fit the biggest builds and run the highest wattages, but the pull is no restrictive enough for me and the flavor is less than the other two. MT is great. Big build deck, flavor is ridiculous, easy to wick and great top fill (could use a vent hole for equalization though. Bellus has the best flavor, smallest deck, and was the fussiest to build, best filling method, and is the nicest looking. I use the Bellus on a Mech with quad 26ga 2mm 9wrap coils, the MT RTA- 5 wrap 2.5mm 24/30 claptons around 85 watts on one, 10 wrap 24 ga Titanium on 3mm on the other (dna200- Ti TCR, 80w, 475°) . RDTA 3mm 5 wrap 24/30 Claptons, (this build fits horizontally on the 3 post deck, vertically on the velocity style)110 watts.

Can't go wrong with any of them. Inability to decide between three that are this good is a good kind of problem to have!


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Definitely! Want to buy a TFV4 cheap? Hahahah.
Nah :)

Anyway- MT>RDTA and RDTA=Bellus. BUT all three are very different. Rdta has the most airflow, I can fit the biggest builds and run the highest wattages, but the pull is no restrictive enough for me and the flavor is less than the other two.
That's disappointing. I may have to change my Christmas list.

I'd seen that video to which I referred, above, and thought that looked like it would be a cool tank, esp. in a black, shorty version. But if the taste ain't that great, it's not particularly interesting. I'm in it for the taste, not the clouds. And I definitely don't want to have to be driving these things with massive amounts of wattage. I have an eVic-VTC Mini, and the Crius, running it at only 35-40W, already knocks the battery down in pretty short order.

Oh well: I'm sure I can find other vape stuff to put on The List :)

Thanks for the feedback, Mike.


Took some superficial looks at the Bellus, last night, and...

Bellus has the best flavor, smallest deck, and was the fussiest to build, best filling method, and is the nicest looking.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It's the least attractive of the tanks we've been discussing, to my eye. But...

The fact it's got the smallest deck may be the reason it yields the best flavour. And it appears it comes with a plug for the airflow and juice channels on one side? That would make it a better MTL RTA. It didn't look, at first blush, to be all that difficult to build on. I'll look at the reviews more closely over the weekend.

Now if UD would come out with a shorty version, in black... :) Maybe with a second, smaller-bore drip tip included...
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Thanks for the responses gang, I really chose the wrong time of year to look at these in the B&Ms. Loving this Fuchai though. Built a fused clapton 32/24 nichrome powered it at 145w and daggone was it unreal. Almost drowned in my clouds. Probably have to wait until after the holidays to get a tank though, went to 3 different ones just to get a gander at one of them but everything except the starter kits were sold out.


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I just started looking into RTAs. So far I've used the Goblin, the Cthulhu V2, and the Bellus. The Bellus is by far my favorite. The top fill is technically better on the Cthulhu, but they put it under a nut instead of a cap like the Bellus and the seal is a very strong O-ring. The end result is that it's almost impossible to get the nut off without a wrench of some sort. I've had the entire top of the RTA come off when I just wanted to refill the damn thing.

Also, the Bellus beats all three of them when it comes to wicking. It has a smaller deck than the Cthulhu and is a bit more temperamental when it comes to installing builds. I have to wrap one coil backwards to get it installed easily because it uses Petri/Phenotype-L style posts instead of Velocity style posts. With all of that said, I have a pair of 24/36 AGW Nichrome-80 2mm ID, 6 wrap coils in it right now set to 80 watts. It tastes amazing, produced plenty of vapor, it doesn't leak like the Cthulhu, and I don't need a screwdriver to refill it like the Goblin. It only took me an hour of fiddling with it on my first build to figure out how to wick it so that it doesn't dry hit.


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I wanted to put in some thoughts on the bellus rta by UD. Honestly, i like this better than the aromamizer on the sole fact it is all metal and glass. The airflow adjustments are done with a metal ring rather than a silicon band. I love it the vapor and flavour are amazing. easy to use and would totally recommend.


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VCMT 25mm, Crius V3, Aromamizer (V-Deck), Bellus, or TFV4 with (TF-R2/RCA RBA's) are the ones I would Suggest in that order.


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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+1 Aromamizer RDTA

Got a friend that has both TFV4 and the Aromamizer.
Let's just say that his TFV4 just sits in a drawer and doesn't see the light of day.


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I have the TFV4, Aromamizer and Bellus. The Bellus is my fave right now for flavor. I have a dual Clapton 28gN80/36gK1 7 wraps on 2.5mm. It's a tight fit, but I got it in there!! Wicking is a breeze. This build KICKS out flavor and vapor almost as good as my Twisted Messes RDA. I am so happy with this tank. It's just awesome.

The Aromamizer is ok, but I keep getting a funny taste from it no matter how many times I wick or clean it. The TFV4 is nice for prebuilt coils, but that's about it.

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\ The TFV4 is nice for prebuilt coils, but that's about it.

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What builds have you tried in the TFV4 and what RBA's? Some of the builds Ive done are much more intense in flavor then ANY of my RDA's and many that Ive gotten to test out...
I dont have the Bellus yet but I have the Crius V3, the Aromamizer, the TFV4 (All RBA's), Goblin Mini and a few others I can pull of the top of my head and the TFV4 and Crius are the top contenders so far....
The VCMT 25mm and the Griffin RTA are on there way, I am looking for the "Ultimate Builders RTA"...I think the VCMT will take the cake for sure...


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Feel the same way Raymo, actually IMO the prebuilt are kind of sub par, good for clouds but a bit lacking on flavor. The builds I've put in on the RBAs though are much different. Much thicker vapor production with more flavor, obviously you know my favorite is the modified vertical single coil, but the dual RBA is also splendid, and even an unmodified single RBA can be nice for a MTL vape if you have the mini plug.

Personally right now I'm very satisfied with my Haze Dripper Tank, certainly lives up to it's description as a crossover between the two. Will say the bad side is that it's all press fit so it has fallen apart in my pocket a couple times, but because of it's design still not any leaking just some of the wick touching my pocket and leaching off, which isn't all bad, my pocket just smells great :p

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