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HARM REDUCTION - Giving people the lesser of two evils


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People, especially the stupid ones who don't know shit about history, think themselves so enlightened and advanced....they think their polotics are "Progressive" and their views "enlightened"......but really have we really learned anything since the days of Galilleo....when the fucking World Health Orginization...the fucking UN who idiots tout as an egalitarian leader(despite their perdilictions for buying sex from desperate underage girls in refugee camps)...when the fucking UN joins in a vodoo witch hunt against vaping, instead of promoting it to help people off smoking you realize things have not changed that much...You know when you have 8 year old kids in Vietnam starting to smoke cigarettes, maybe it isn't such a bad fucking idea to give them an e juice that taste like Captian Crunch if it seduces them off of smoking.

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