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Hawaii Hits Residents with Wave of New Bans


Not here for the Drama!
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So stupid. It's probably gonna hit a bunch more if us soon.

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Hawaii is banning tobacco and e-cigarette use in all city- and state-owned parks and beaches, saying the ban will help preserve the state’s scenic natural beauty and cut down on littering.
Really? What litter? Inquiring minds want to know!

This is ABSOLUTELY mentally challenged!!!!!!!


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Perhaps if we stop electing libtards... wonder if that would help? o_O
I don't see anyone on either side standing up for e cig users... sure would be nice though! Libtards, conservatards.... they're all simply tards if they think e cigs are more evil than analogs.

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Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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It's not like vapers are throwing empty bottles of juice or used drip tips on the beach. Equating vaping with littering is just..just idiotic. But what am I saying, that crap came from a state politician. To them, any reason to further the nanny state is a good one, even if it infringes on peoples liberties.

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