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Hazelnut Pie


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Pie Crust FW 2.7&
Hazelnut FW 2.7%
Coconut FA 0.5%

3 days steep

Really no subs will taste like intended, but beware the FW flavors as they may have sucrose.
Don't know cause I didn't look them up.


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My only problem is that a 3 day rest is called for and I mixed the recipe 1 3/4 days ago. :(

"We have time, there's no big rush."- Jimi Hendrix


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@Heabob any thoughts re the dif between the FW and the FA hazelnut ... hmm hazelnut + a touch of brown sugar ??

FW Hazelnut is much sweeter so it really doesn't need any Brown Sugar, whereas FA is more woody.
Also one of the reasons it works so well in Cereal types I think.
And the FW Pie Crust is also sweet.


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Member For 4 Years
FW Hazelnut is much sweeter so it really doesn't need any Brown Sugar, whereas FA is more woody.Also one of the reasons it works so well in Cereal types I think.
And the FW Pie Crust is also sweet.

awesome thank you ! I was less than clear however.. ;p when i suggested the tfa brown sugar .. what I meant was .. could I come close with FA hazelnut to the FW that is specified ... by adding in some brown sugar.. obviously not gonna be the same but you did answer the question.. ie the FW is sweeter... thanx again


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Member For 5 Years
I thought I still had some FW Hazelnut left but I'm out so I was wondering the same thing ... what to add to FA Hazelnut to bring it closer to the taste intended for this recipe. A little Marshmallow maybe in addition to the Brown Sugar?


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Member For 4 Years
I thought I still had some FW Hazelnut left but I'm out so I was wondering the same thing ... what to add to FA Hazelnut to bring it closer to the taste intended for this recipe. A little Marshmallow maybe in addition to the Brown Sugar?

marshmallow ! am too tired lately.. didn't even think of that... good call! .........or maybe just some sucrose? ;p

Really no subs will taste like intended, but beware the FW flavors as they may have sucrose.


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I thought I still had some FW Hazelnut left but I'm out so I was wondering the same thing ... what to add to FA Hazelnut to bring it closer to the taste intended for this recipe. A little Marshmallow maybe in addition to the Brown Sugar?

I'd try FA at 1.5% or less and I think the FW may even have some AP in it.
1.5% FA Hazelnut
0.5-1% FA Cookie, or 0.5% INW Biscuit or AP
0.5% TFA Brown Sugar or FA Jamaican Rum
0.5% FA Marshmallow


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Member For 5 Years
I'd try FA at 1.5% or less and I think the FW may even have some AP in it.
1.5% FA Hazelnut
0.5-1% FA Cookie, or 0.5% INW Biscuit or AP
0.5% TFA Brown Sugar or FA Jamaican Rum
0.5% FA Marshmallow

Thanks Heabob!

Heck that looks good with or without the rest of the recipe ingredients! :D


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Heck that looks good with or without the rest of the recipe ingredients!

Never thought of that, but yes it might just be good:D.
I'd probably squeeze in some FA Apple Pie too.


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Well...I've been lax and it's way overdue for my brief review.

Four days after mixing I loaded up my .51 ohm Clapton coil Griffin tank and went at it from 15-40 watts.

My initial taste sensations were of a sweet-buttery hazelnut. I'm not very keen on the buttery sensation from INW Biscuit when mixed above 2%, but this was different and enjoyable. If I had to guess and did not know what I was vaping, I would have said it was the coating of a hazelnut flavored kettle corn. (without, of course, any popcorn/corn flavor or other attributes) I liked it!

Maybe it's me, but I could not taste any crust. I had the same difficulty when I mixed a HIC recipe that contained FA Apple Pie Crust too.

I thought maybe some crust flavor would come out for me with a bit more aging and put it aside. Well, I finally remembered and tried it again today. (5 weeks later) Still no crust for me but it remained an enjoyable and tasty vape. A bit less buttery mouthfeel and sweetness than earlier and with just the slightest lingering mouth bitterness sensation. (Probably from the FW Hazelnut)

Thanks Heabob! I'll be mixing this again. (Maybe with an additional touch of FA Apple Pie Crust and/or FA Cookie to overcome my...crust handicap.:))

"Who are you going to believe, me or your own eyes?"- Groucho Marx


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Maybe it's me, but I could not taste any crust. I had the same difficulty when I mixed a HIC recipe that contained FA Apple Pie Crust too.

I have a hard time tasting crust myself, same deal with any of the "crust" flavors tho.
FW Pie Crust was just another tasty flavor I've had but could never really describe it as Pie Crust.
Thanks for the review, glad you liked it.


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Member For 5 Years
Well....after a bit more aging, I tried it again today. The buttery notes have just about vanished and the pie crust flavor is very noticeable. No corn sensations now.

I guess, for me at least, time helped make this recipe even better.

"The basis of art is change in the universe."- Matsuo Basho

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