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Health Check: Researchers want to know what's in e-cigs


Under Ground Hustler
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"Dr. Amanda Jamieson, a Brown University researcher, refers to electronic cigarettes as the large unknown black box.

"They are billing it as the safer alternative but I don't think you can really say that," said Jamieson, who specializes in lung research.

That's what led her to apply for and receive a biomedical research grant through the University of Rhode Island, so she can study the effects of electronic cigarettes on our lungs.

"It does seem to have, depending on the concentration you add, the e-cigarette extract, it is having a definite impact on the lung epithelium," said Jamieson.

That's the respiratory system. Jamieson is especially concerned about the flavored e-cigs.

"What we're finding, actually, is some of the flavors are even more toxic than the unflavored e-cigarette," she said.

And then there's the nicotine. Previous research has shown inconsistencies.

"What they found was that some of the cigarettes that said they had nicotine did not have nicotine and some cigarettes that said they did not have nicotine ended up having nicotine in them," said Jamieson.

"E-cigs have propylene glycol and some have ethylene glycol. These are compounds that in large enough doses can be toxic," said Jamieson."

Amanda Jamieson


This goofy bitch has no clue what the fuck she is talking about.
Just because 'researchers' don't know what's in ecigs doesn't mean we don't know whats in them.

I find it pathetic that after a decade of 'public health' telling us "we don't know what's in them" that they haven't at least ran a simple google search to find out.

People lose all respect for 'public health' when they can't figure out in ten years what even a novice vaper can figure out in 15 minutes in front of a computer.


1) even the most strictest ANTZ blowhard like Stanton Glantz doesn't deny that vaping is much safer than regular cigarettes. This fool is lying to us. Insulting your intelligence.

2) Of course she is going to get the grant she already told us what she will surely find once she does the studies.
She will drown mice in vapor to prove these results and put out a scary press release.
This is how these pseudo scientists get grants.

Basically it's "you give me "X" amount of dollars and I will put out a peer review study in a prestigious medical journal saying whatever you want it to say".

A recent study found that at least HALF of all studies in medical journals can not be replicated and are fraudulent.

Once they got away with the second hand smoke lie they felt indestructible.
so much so that saying vaping is just as bad as smoking is normal for these con artists.

3) Well fuck it, lets just start calling vaping cigarettes now.
They figure if they say it over and over again eventually it will just become true.
Like the Smokeless tobacco lies.

4) "some have ethylene glycol" ???
This clown is either retarded or really really stupid or she is insulting your intelligence by lying straight to your face.
You can decide on which.

There should be a law that these type of quotes are considered medical advice.
Then this would be obvious medical malpractice.

LAWSUITS is the only language that these types understand and it is the only thing that will get these types to stop lying - 5150
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If there was really ethylene glycol, there would be a lot of bodies on the ground from vaping. But I haven't heard of anyone dying of vaping.... which would definitely not be true, if there was ethylene glycol...


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