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Health experts urge AMs to drop e-cigarette ban plan


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The FDA is going to have a hard time keeping up the fear mongering about vaping, when the rest of the world is legitamizing vaping...I guess the europeans have more freedom to explore normalizing vaping because they don't have as many Tobbacco lobbyists in their goverments as we do.

Faceless Vapes

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The other countries didn't borrow millions of dollars in debt to big tobacco though. So they are going to do as much as they can to keep us from doing it. Thats why I have called the White House every single day for the last 3 weeks lol. I call, read what casaa says word for word, then I hang up.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey 5150 stop being an old fuddy duddy.....and get PC...the remake of that old classic "Smoking in the boys room" a la California...."Smoking in the gender nuetral relief stations"


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