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Health groups ask Obama to issue delayed tobacco rule


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The "health groups" and Big Tobacco/Big Pharma want the deeming regs to wipe out the vaping Industry. Remember, this is all about greed and money. Big Tobacco and Big Pharma would be the only game in town, and they see monster profits if they can make the vapocolypse happen.

With every action, there is a consequence, namely Vapers out for political revenge. Even a sizeable minority of voters can wreak havoc on political campaigns and political parties if motivated to do so. Politicians would face getting skinned alive for putting a lot of people out of jobs and destroying small companies which the politicians claim are the back bone of America. They know this and are calculating the political fallout now. Our politicans and Big Tobacco/Big Pharma care nothing about our health, or lives. They only care about Money, Power, and the ability to control it all. If the political weasels and their co-conspirators in tobacco and pharma fail to have the 2007 cut off date implemented, you can be sure they will go absolutely apeshit with draconian taxes at a federal level.

I smoked for 38+ years. You can be damn sure I will extract a political pound of flesh from my government representatives if this crap passes and the vape industry is destroyed. I'll still vape, I DIY and that will be what will have to happen for all of us if we want to vape instead of smoke.


Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years
The "health groups" and Big Tobacco/Big Pharma want the deeming regs to wipe out the vaping Industry. Remember, this is all about greed and money. Big Tobacco and Big Pharma would be the only game in town, and they see monster profits if they can make the vapocolypse happen.
Spot on.

I smoked for 38+ years. You can be damn sure I will extract a political pound of flesh from my government representatives if this crap passes and the vape industry is destroyed.
Trouble is the system is rigged to make that rather difficult. The people who write and implement the regulations are un-elected bureaucrats who can't be voted out. Bills like H.R. 2058 tend to languish and die in some committee and the chances are that your district's representative never got to vote for or against it. That makes it difficult to vote out those responsible. Nor is there a political party for whom vaping is even on the radar much less part of the platform, and very few candidates are willing to take a stance on way or another. :(

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