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Health groups urge Congress not to weaken e-cigarette rules


Under Ground Hustler
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The "health" groups to boycott at every chance possible are:

1) Academy of General Dentistry

2) Action on Smoking and Health

3) American Academy of Family Physicians

4) American Academy of Oral Medicine

5) American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery

6) American Academy of Pediatrics

7) American Association for Cancer Research

8) American Association for Dental Research

9) American Association for Respiratory Care

10) American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

11) American College of Cardiology

12) American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

13) American College of Physicians

14) American College of Preventive Medicine

15) American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

16) American Heart Association

17) American Lung Association

18) American Medical Association

19) American Medical Student Association

20) American Psychological Association

21) American Public Health Association

22) American School Health Association

23) American Society of Addiction Medicine

24) American Society of Clinical Oncology

25) American Thoracic Society Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights

26) Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs

27) Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health

28) Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

29) Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

30) Big Cities Health Coalition

31) Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

32) ClearWay Minnesota

33) Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

34) COPD Foundation

35) Eta Sigma Gamma - National Health Education Honorary

36) Lung Cancer Alliance

37) March of Dimes

38) National African American Tobacco Prevention Network

39) National Association of County & City Health Officials

40) National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

41) National Association of Social Workers

42) National Hispanic Medical Association

43) National Latino Alliance for Health Equity

44) National Network of Public Health Institutes

45) Oncology Nursing Society

46) Oral Health America

47) Prevention Institute

48) Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions

49) Society for Public Health Education

50) The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

51) The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

52) Trust for America’s Health

It's sickening to me that THIS MANY alphabet soup groups are even needed.
All they do is steal our tax dollars and most are nothing but Big Pharma front groups.
Some, if not many rely on MSA payments which means they need smokers to keep smoking in order to exist. - 5150


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Member For 4 Years

The "health" groups to boycott at every chance possible are:

1) Academy of General Dentistry

2) Action on Smoking and Health

3) American Academy of Family Physicians

4) American Academy of Oral Medicine

5) American Academy of Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery

6) American Academy of Pediatrics

7) American Association for Cancer Research

8) American Association for Dental Research

9) American Association for Respiratory Care

10) American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

11) American College of Cardiology

12) American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

13) American College of Physicians

14) American College of Preventive Medicine

15) American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

16) American Heart Association

17) American Lung Association

18) American Medical Association

19) American Medical Student Association

20) American Psychological Association

21) American Public Health Association

22) American School Health Association

23) American Society of Addiction Medicine

24) American Society of Clinical Oncology

25) American Thoracic Society Americans for Nonsmokers' Rights

26) Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs

27) Association of Schools and Programs of Public Health

28) Association of State and Territorial Health Officials

29) Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses

30) Big Cities Health Coalition

31) Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids

32) ClearWay Minnesota

33) Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America

34) COPD Foundation

35) Eta Sigma Gamma - National Health Education Honorary

36) Lung Cancer Alliance

37) March of Dimes

38) National African American Tobacco Prevention Network

39) National Association of County & City Health Officials

40) National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners

41) National Association of Social Workers

42) National Hispanic Medical Association

43) National Latino Alliance for Health Equity

44) National Network of Public Health Institutes

45) Oncology Nursing Society

46) Oral Health America

47) Prevention Institute

48) Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions

49) Society for Public Health Education

50) The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

51) The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

52) Trust for America’s Health

It's sickening to me that THIS MANY alphabet soup groups are even needed.
All they do is steal our tax dollars and most are nothing but Big Pharma front groups.
Some, if not many rely on MSA payments which means they need smokers to keep smoking in order to exist. - 5150
lol,, we should demand they prove they have curred what ever they are begging for funds.

as for the trusts,, those are tax avoidance structures for the rich. if memory serves they only need to spend 3% on the charity.. the rest is lifestyle and payrolls for friends and families. ($1million limit on life time of gifts,,, so instead you 'employ' that sorry excuse of a child you have and boom,, you got the write off and he got a 'job')


Under Ground Hustler
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That's a hefty list of jobs lost due to a healthier public. Now the picture is clear.

it's probably equal to the amount of jobs lost if 99% of vapor products are taken off the market.

Buy hey, they are all just filthy addicts so who cares right? :gaah::cuss2::tantrum:


Under Ground Hustler
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$1million limit on life time of gifts

or, you just spread those gifts around which allows you to move up the food chain to positions such as "Senior Vice President at PinneyAssociates" and then even further up to positions such as "Director of FDA Center for Tobacco Products":D


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or, you just spread those gifts around which allows you to move up the food chain to positions such as "Senior Vice President at PinneyAssociates" and then even further up to positions such as "Director of FDA Center for Tobacco Products":D
each person,,, you me,, donald trump,, anyone.. can 'gift 1 mil to anyone over their lifetime as a non taxable event. translated,, legal money laundering for the rich lol,,,,,,,,after you send jr that million,, and he blew through it,, you put him to 'work' you make him the head of some charity and have him 'go get funds'... he eventually figures out that is how he gets paid and the govt doesnt really require him to manage the charity money smartly. the greater fool is normally the good hearted sap who donated. but the donator feels good and gets a tax deduction and social the end.... lazy child running the scam has a job.


Yes, I DO wear a mask! I'm vaccinated, too!
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The more I learn about how Big Money operates, the more disgusted I am, and the less surprised that so many of us have to struggle so hard for what we have; the rich seem inclined to keep 110% of everything for themselves, and expecting us to be grateful for their crumbs.



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Years ago I did a experiment. I can't say where I worked due to confidentiality but trust me it's all true. Here is my story...once upon a time Artemis worked in a sub acute facility aka a step down unit. Most nursing homes are turning to sub acute because funding is more substantial. At the time I worked with a lot of folks who had pulmonary diseases. One case was a 90ish year old man who presented with pneumonia/COPD and still smoked about 2 packs of cigs a day. In addition, he went outside in the cold WI air to smoke these cigarettes.

I constantly had to call his doctor for antibiotics and breathing treatments. It was a no win situation. One day I had enough of this. I know as a nurse I'm suppose to insist on Chantix or nicotine patches. I knew from being a smoker myself this shit does not work. I also felt the Chantix would make this elderly man psychotic.

Getting to the punchline....I asked him if he ever considered e cigarettes (at that time in 2011 everyone called vapes ecigs). The guy said no. I asked him if his sister could purchase a ecig for him. She did come thru with the ecig. It was a blu but it worked for this guy. His lung function improved and o2 saturation rates acceptable >over 92% compared to <88%. I felt like he would survive.

The patient ended up being discharged and was healthier than ever before. Of course, I cannot reveal to management or co workers my suggestions. Most of my co-workers at that time were narrow minded.

I did suggest ecigs to a few more patients at this facility. Of course, I had to keep silent due to the risk of being fired. I brought a ecig in once and almost got busted. Yes, they can fire a nurse for this. I no longer work there.


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Repost from some of my musings in a different thread.

I don't know how these rules are going to affect you Americans, but in the past, there was an "Underground Railway" between the US and Canada. Of course, that one went South/North. If it comes to it, perhaps a new one should be considered. North/South.

If it should occur that vape gear is becoming difficult to obtain, I would have no ethical problem being an intermediate to forward the gear South.
I believe that the US Gvt is the same as any other, and as such, the only thing politicians are motivated by more than greed, or power, is an inherant need not to appear comical. One way to do that, is to is to make the bastards irrelevant. Very few are able to withstand mockery.

An inability to enforce unjust laws is one such method.

Hopefully, you get your shit together before our politicos follow suit. Drug company, and tobacco lobbyists should be identified, their personal details posted, contacts tracked etc. Nobody need go full potato, but if a vaper for instance who works at a hotel, possibly lost a reservation for a lobbyist arriving for a FDA meeting, little things add up.

Ill do whatever I can. Not just personally, but to concieve of a network capable of rendering the regulations irrelevant. I need a new career anyway, maybe I'll learn how to CNC machine. I don't know.

As an official legal drug addict now, I will be emailing the various drug companies that provide me the drugs I now need to remain alive, and letting them know that if I discover any opposition to Ecigs on their part, they may expect that I will go generic, and they will lose money.

That is today's project.

It is time to put the Underground back in to VU.

Banners saying Fuck the FDA are all well and good,
but in a special place on my wall is a " Free Kevin" sticker, thousands of which proved effective in freeing Kevin Mitnic.

I'm no artist. But many here are very creative. Imagine the effect of thousands of posters that closely resemble wanted posters, in the same places that you might see the real ones, featuring the mug shots of politicos, FDA drones, and lobbyists wanted for mass murder.

Enough whining. They have not played fair. Neither should we.

And now, this inspirational message, from the character of Secretary of State Walter Larsen, portrayed by Tim Robbins in the HBO series, The Brink. Secretary of State Walter Larsen, addresses a team of elementary school hockey players, visiting the Whitehouse to have their pic taken with the POTUS....

Hey kids. Just want you to know your future is in the hands of a bunch of impotent war-loving maniacs. Gather around. You kids need to start a goddamn revolution. And I don’t mean this Occupy Wall Street bullshit, with their human microphone and their jazz hands. I mean the real deal, where people are actually terrified to leave their homes. You need to arm yourself! Fuck the ballot! Time for fucking bullets! Burn it all down, I say!”

Thus endeth today's rant.


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The more I learn about how Big Money operates, the more disgusted I am, and the less surprised that so many of us have to struggle so hard for what we have; the rich seem inclined to keep 110% of everything for themselves, and expecting us to be grateful for their crumbs.

there is this chick named Martha Stewart,, she went to jail for lying/insider trading etc.. BUT if she had been a politician none of that legal stuff would have applied to her,,,,,,,,,,,,because politicians CAN invest/trade with insider information.=====so little people,, the laws are for us, not our masters.

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