Hey guys just wanted to introduce myself and tell my story, I am Tom from Virginia. I smoked ciggs for over 20 years then last year I woke up and said I want to stop smoking but I knew it wouldn't be easy so I decided to get an ecigg to try to see if it would help so I go to the local cigg store and get a ego-t I believe it was and after a day of puffing on it could not stand to be around a cigg or taste one for that matter. I loved the vape but these things wasn't lasting me at all breaking on me, battery just sucked so I decided to make a small upgrade and went to our local vape shop and I purchased the Itaste MVP 2.0 with a nautiIus mini tank I love this thing. A few weeks ago I went and purchased the Aspire CF sub ohm and a aspire Atlantis tank wow what a big difference in the vape. I am soon going to purchase a segelei either the 100w or the 150w not sure may get them both if I can't decide. I have also ordered a nimbus RDA dripper I can't till it arrives to try it out.
No more ciggs for me just vaping
here is a quick pic of my vapes
No more ciggs for me just vaping
here is a quick pic of my vapes