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Hello from Bastrop, Texas (neighbor to Austin, Texas)


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I'm happy to say, that after 30+ yrs. of smoking, I've been smoke free and vaping since November 2013. My connection/devotion to vaping has grown in leaps and bounds since then. I started out like most, with a simple set up and purchasing e-liquids from a local B&M.

Three months later my husband was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. Needless to say, at that point smoking needed to no longer be a part of his life. He has been smoke free and vaping since. After very successful surgery and several rounds of chemo, he's doing great!

I soon started my venture into DIY e-juice. I've been mixing our own for over a year now and love the hobby and the extra savings. About six months ago I was asked to join a few fantastic folks as an Admin for a brand new DIY group which has been a great success. As always, there's something new to learn in juice mixing every day. I love helping people who are new to mixing and or vaping in their quest to remain smoke free.

My choice in gear has grown as well. Went from a simple stick battery and an iclear30 tank, to now an IPV mini and a Lemo 2 and building my own coils. Life is good! I look forward to visiting and participating in the various forums here and maybe getting to know a few folks.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Welcome to the Underground!

You got yourself some good gear there and I love the Lemo 2 myself.

Make sure you check out our own DIY section.


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Thank you! Oh I've already been lurking in the DIY for a few weeks, lol.


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Welcome to VU, Kwest! Glad to have you with us!


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