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Hello from Holland (The Netherlands)


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I come from The Netherlands. I live and work in the center around Utrecht. I started vaping about 7 or 8 years ago, when one of the best e-liquids was from Ruyan, I believe. However i tried with those e-cigs, I never got the hang of it, so I continued smoking tobacco. About 6 weeks ago (1st Oct 2015) I was fed up with smoking after 40 years. I tried stopping Cold Turkey, but could not come with the withdrawal symptoms. I started getting tense, aggressive and could not concentrate. I then tried an e-cigarette from bookwill. (From a colleague) and found all symptoms subside, so I went and bought a bookwill (ego type 600 mAh) and used it for a few weeks. I then found I did not have enough mAh at my disposal and kept charging. The clearomizers did not contain enough and so I looked around on the Internet. Vapeshops are very rare her, but by accident I found an online store which was located just a few miles from home. I went there to buy a bigger battery and came home with a mod (joyetech eViC vt) with a big ass atomizer (ego ONE Mega). Because of TC I was not afraid to dive into sub-Ohming. The difference in vapor production and taste blew my head off. Now I want more, more, more.....
Tomorrow I will extend my equipment by buying a Smok Xcube 2 with Kangertech Subtank (mini or plus, depending if mini has v2 rba, else it will be the plus). I make this step because the ego ONE Mega delivers a lot of dry hits vaping on 100 % VG. I need a better wicking, less tight. Luckily the law is not so strictly enforced as the new rules here are petty to say the least. (Max 10 ml bottles of e-juice, max 2 ml in clearomizers, max 20 mg/ml nicotine (the last one is somewhat understandable)) at the moment I can still buy bigger tanks (under the table), bottles and such. However the bottles are no longer a problem as I mix my tastes myself.
My most favorite e-liquids are Heisenberg and High voltage from Vampire Vape and The twins and Chateau mix from CiVap. I have come to learn I like the coolness/minty aftertaste of the Vampire Vape flavor so, which I mix myself with100% VG. I do not like the throat hit PG gives, but I do like the smooth, roundness of VG.


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Hi there and Welcome to VU, Glad you signed up!!!
Nice to meet you!!:)


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Hello and welcome to the VU!


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Oops, forgot to mention: getting the Kangertech Subtank because I want to start building my own coils, perhaps even switching to RDA to be able to switch flavors more and more quickly. I have not smoked since I started vaping. I "lost" my tobacco a few times however, but soon realized I did not smoke anymore. (Old habits die slowly) With vaping I still go on a smoke break to clear my mind and have a little walk. Even though I am allowed to Vape at work (my manager told me so) I do not Vape at my desk, but outside with the smoking crowd. I still need the social part of smoking :).


Excellence In Service
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Welcome Dutch_Vaper ! I work for a Dutch company called Oce. I'm sure you heard of them. But we recently got bought by a company I will not mention lol. Oce is headquartered in Venlo


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Working in Venlo, you can at least go to Germany or Belgium for your supplies.....
Or do you break the law too (like me) ;)


Excellence In Service
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I live in the US. A few guys from here going out there this week. Yes lots of the US people go to Germany and France on the weekend but I don't think France is a place to go right now.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Hello and welcome! Spent a fair amount of time in Nieuwegein, very near Utrecht from 1998-2001.


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Welcome Dutch! I really enjoyed reading your experience. Glad you found us and look forward to seeing you around.


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Welcome, good to see some more dutch people in here! (I'm in groningen myself)


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Congrats. on 6 weeks Dutch. Sounds like you have good support in a colleague / fellow enthusiest to help you out.
I am relying on a forum like this and good old, "school of hard knocks", to make vaping work more long term for me.

Interesting to read a little about regulation in your post...I think it may be here in the U.S. before long..??

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