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Hello from the Garden State!


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Hey everybody. This is Dhim (or as people in real life call me, Jason). I've been vaping since 2009. I use to linger quite a bit around the old vapersforum and use to go by the name "jvapes" around the vaping community. However when I took a brief step out, someone else used the name for a juice line. So to prevent any confusion I started to use the name of Dhim, which I used in my gaming life and YouTube channel.

Recently I decided to take the plunge into the YouTube vaping community. I feel like I've been through it all. From getting my first 510 batteries 5 years ago, and running to the fish store to get the "magical blue stuff" for my carts to modding a flashlight. Flash forward a few years and here we are subohming at god knows how many watts. Things have changed quite a bit in the years, but one thing has stayed the same... analogs suck!

It will be awesome to see another close knit community grow. I hope this gets the "Cheers" feeling that the old VF had, where everybody knows your name and unlike some places *cough*reddit*cough* will be always glad you came.

Feel free to check out my YouTube channel in the link below. I'm still working out a format and getting some additional gear. I am piecing together a nice little "vape lab" for future reviews which I think will have a neat take on the up close portion. Also I'm quite a bit of a nerd, so check out my Twitter and Instagram for some cool 3D printed stuff and other nonsense.

PS: I love Reddit, but hoorah to no random thumbs down trolling!
PPS: 3D printing is cool.

Vaper Dyana

Bronze Contributor
Welcome to the forum Jason!! Did you make those stands with 3D printing?? If so thats crazy.. Glad to have you here.. Catch ya on the boards!! :)


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Hey Dyana. Indeed all of those stands I 3D printed. I have a few other odds and ends I use from the 3D printer for vaping. It's quite handy when you need a holder here or there. My next thing is something to hold juice bottles in. I'm sure I'll find something. :)

Vaper Dyana

Bronze Contributor
Thats crazy.. I have never seen a 3D printer.. Hmm.. The possibilities you have to make anything vape related are endless Im assuming..


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Dihm where you located
In Parsippany area. Which is Morris County, about 30 minutes or so from NYC.
Thats crazy.. I have never seen a 3D printer.. Hmm.. The possibilities you have to make anything vape related are endless Im assuming..
3D printers are honestly the greatest thing, since well... I dunno. You can print awesome vape things like you saw up top. Or completely life needed items, that you never knew you needed until you could 3D print like...

A life sized 3d printed light saber...

Or maybe if you have young ones (or young at heart) a truck or two...


But this is a vaping forum, so yeah. You can print mod holders..

Atty holders too, since they need to go somewhere...

Finally the last and quite possibly the most important thing you can print, is the certainty that your bottle of juice is being held in a cooler manner than anyone else.

I think I just thread-crapped the heck out of my own thread. TL;DR, 3D printing = fun.


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Selling things you make? Im conected with a hydro dipper together we could make some amazing stuff?
I do it for fun mostly. I made a couple pieces for a local vape shop, but they have hooked me up with juice and what not so I couldn't ask them for money. It's quite time consuming, though I am working at getting one set up at the house to get some more printing done. Honestly the pieces take so long to make its not really viable for any sort of mass production. You could of course nail a design and get it molded for a run of plastic.

To give you a sense of time required. The items in the first picture at the top took about 19 hours to print all together. The mat cost is so low and in person it seems to have such a "oooh" factor with people curious about 3d printed objects, that its actually more fun to give away than to think about selling.


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Omg that is AMAZING! I want them all!! lol
Tell you what. You were the first person to welcome me here, pick any one of the vaping things and I'll make one for you as soon as Makerbot returns the printer from repair (about a week). DM me the info. You can pick any color as long as its Black, Clear, Orange or Blue. **hint take the 3 mod holder (or the spindle), its my favorite**.


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WHAT!?!!?!? No way! REALLY?!?!?!
It's on the internet therefore it has to be true. Isn't that how the web works? But yeah seriously, anything you see up there pick one and let me know what color. Just don't pick the Lightsaber because it's actually like 5 pieces and sort of a pain to assemble.


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You are such a sweet heart! :) I really like the one on the right in the first pic :)
Yeah that's a pretty awesome piece. Let me know the color (I have black, clear, blue, and bright orange at the moment) and how to get it to you (PM me). Once the printer comes back, I'll roll it off for you. In the meantime, here's mine to give you an idea of the sizes. Orange is 26650, Green are 18650, bottles are 10/15ml, mod is 22mm, and Ego = Ego. Diet dew not included. :)


Vaper Dyana

Bronze Contributor
HeHe.. I like the black :) Oh no need for the dew.. Im vaping on Voltage Mtn Dew by Hitman atm.. Sooo yummy! Gonna figure out how to PM on here.. :)

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