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Hello Vape Family!!


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To start out, my name is Greg. I am 33 years old, from North Carolina. I am married, no kids, but a proud fur-baby parent. My wife and I just had to put down our toy poodle a few weeks ago, who we rescued from an abusive and dangerous environment. Both of us are huge advocates and supporters of several causes relating to adopting rescue dogs as well as Alzheimer's awareness, Relay for Life, among others.

I started my journey to vaping back in April of this year. I had always been very allergic to cigarettes since I was born but picked up the habit when I was 19 years old. No matter what I did to try and put the nasty habit behind me, I couldn't do it. This involved trying nicotine gum, patches, cold turkey, Chantix, Wellbutrin, and even tried e-cigarettes for a bit. I picked up vaping by accident, when a local chain of convenience stores had an offer to purchase a 10ml bottle of juice from a company called Lex-12 (I didn't know at the time that Bailey's owned Lex-12) and you would receive a starter kit. Lo and behold, I quit smoking for about 3 weeks. Juice started coming out of the airholes, I thought I had broken the damn thing, so I tossed it not knowing any better.

I wrote an article on my personal blog at the time about my experience with this device and tried to give info to anyone who may decide to try this product. Despite all of the personal rants I posted, this article kept getting hits on almost a daily basis.

I went to Avail in mid May and picked up their starter kit, with an eGo style battery. I stuck with it and was able to put cigarettes (for the most part) behind me. Like I did with the Lex-12, I posted a blog article about this and it started getting hits. I bought a KangerTech Mini Subox in June and it's like the doors opened up quickly to a whole new world that I never knew existed.

I debated for several weeks on changing my blog to talking about my journey into vaping. Finally in early August, I cleared all of my old non-vaping related posts and started writing about devices, juices I tried, and issues relating to vaping that I read about in the news and experienced on a personal level. To date, the blog has had over 2500 views and almost 1500 visitors. This includes a lot of juices I picked up at VapeMania (which was an absolute blast in the 3 hours I could spend there...)

What amazes me is the sense of community everywhere I turned in the vaping community. Between here, Vapers TV, the various shops around town and even forums online, everyone is connected and greatly respects one another. I couldn't ask for a better group to be around.


P.S. My blog is at for anyone who wants to check it out


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Hi Greg! Welcome to VU :)

You're right. We're like a big family around here. We're a good mix of people. I love the vaping community. Thanks for all the work you do outside of vaping, too. I also have fur-babies!

Have fun.


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Welcome to the VU
Good story, glad to have you here.


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Member For 4 Years
Hi Greg and welcome to VU, Kudo's for being an adopting parent to our most needed rescue pups!!! I am huge into therapy dog work and training and hope you enjoy the forum!!


Obsessive? Who me?
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Hi and welcome to the VU!! Great place to be!! We are fur baby parents too and while we know they won't always be with us, it is always tough when we have to lose one. :( Great story and keep up the good work.

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