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help having bad taste with my mad hatter rda

i had two different guys build my coils and wick them and right after they both did it it tasted burnt and nasty has no flavor at all i dont understand i bought everything i need to build my own but now i am really discourged and i am lost on where to even start. i know the coils look good its 24 g 9 wrap and burn real nice from the center out just not sure if its the wicking or not

TF Vaping

Bronze Contributor
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Be sure the air flow holes are free of obstruction. My mad hatter likes bigger coils 2.5-3.0 mm, its my go too flavor RDA. Clean it as Jim said and check the air flow. How is it wicked?

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Ouch. I actually had a shorting issue when I positioned a coil just a tad too high. The cap would push it to the wall when I closed it. :p

Live & Learn.
Do I get an AMEN? Mech Mods don't care. They will fire no matter what. PEEK tastes like crap. Ruined a few Drippers that way. :cool:

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