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help me choose, please


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so, having started on the atlantis & now having a little foray with drippers, I'm looking to get a black tank atomizer for use with my upcoming magmod: some of the choices that I'm attracted to are as follows:

if anyone has any experience with these, please feel free to give me your thoughts, or if you have other suggestions, I"m all ears: the only requirements are:

predominantly black (matte preferred, but not a killer)
5ml or greater capacity
pyrex window would be nice, but absolutely NO polycarbonate
dual use package would be awesome: rebuildable tank or coil (like the delta II)

heck, even if the 5ml atlantis was available in black, I'd be game....


VU Donator
Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I can't say I have experience with most of those, but I'd stay away from the KFL for sub-ohm builds - it might be good down to 0.8 or so, but I found the draw incredibly tight and only tried 2-3 builds before moving on.

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