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Help me help him!


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Got a co-worker that wants to start vaping. Since I was flirting with upgrading, I told him I'd give him my Sigelei 50w V2 when my new box arrives.

Now I gotta figure out what tank to suggest. Since he mentioned wanting to save money, and has only hit advanced users' set-ups, I think I want to suggest an RTA, build him the coil, and teach him how to re-wick.

I've got the Billow V2 nano, and wouldn't hesitate to suggest it to him, but I wouldn't mind finding something cheaper either, since the start-up costs can be a bit daunting for us broke folk.

I've been out of the gear game for a while, so what would y'all suggest?


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Member For 4 Years
For something cheap, easy, and reliable, I'd suggest A Kanger Subtank with RBA section........It's cheap for any of the variations (Subtank, Mini, Nano) and the coils are fairly inexpensive as well if your co-worker decides they don't want to build coils, but also has the RBA section in case they do. They're incredibly popular and common tanks so all B&M's have coils/parts/etc in stock for these tanks. They're easy to fill and use, and they're reliable, plus spare parts are cheap just in case your co-worker is a butterfingers like my buddy is. There are tons of tanks out there, but this is a solid contender for New Vapers who want options (TC coils, RBA, various sizes, various colors, etc) without the costs, and can still run great even at 50W or less


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I have yet to meet a smoker that went straight from smoking to using sub ohm tanks and liked it. They usually prefer devices that are meant for mouth to lung vaping and that's not what sub ohm tanks are designed for. Your friend might be an exception, but a nautilus or nautilus mini has been a much better starter tank for the people I've helped quit smoking. Direct lung hit devices are for vapers, not smokers.


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I agree with @BoomStick .

Vaping makes you cough at first. MTL is the way 99.99% of us start. Lung hitting only comes with experience in vaping.

IMO, an RTA for a newbie is the wrong way to go, unless they are fast learners in coiling, ohms law, and wicking. You can't always be there if a coil takes a shit on him. He has to be able to do that for himself.

If he can't afford 25-50 bucks for a tank and juice, he might as well just forget it. He should buy a good tank to start with, or he just will give up.


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If I had it to do over, I would have gotten decent stuff from the start and skipped the baby steps, just like the message above.

It took me about 6 weeks to outgrow MTL and a little longer to lose the cough impulse. Just came to me after awhile.

For mod, something like an istick 100 can be found cheap especially online, along with batteries and charger. I am using LG HG2 batteries, about $12 per pair on ebay.

A few RTAs like the Atomamizer and Goliath now offer prebuilt coils that look like they can be rewicked.

Older tanks can be found very cheap now whether Arctic, Herakles, Crown, or some oddballs like Vision MK.

Vapecrawler does not have all but is still a great resource. I saw a few $10 tanks there yesterday, including Arctic.

What got me to begin stopping analogs was the Herakles, since tighter draw even with lung inhale, and can be hard hitting. Flavor is good, coils last, and it is simple and well built. This was my 5th tank. Wish it was my first.

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