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Help with First Mod

Hey guys, I'm new to this forum and relatively new to the vaping world.

I had a quick scan through the message boards and was pleased to find such a great community of experienced vapers offering advice.

I recently upgraded from my first ecig, an Apollo ohm kit which I had been using for about 2 months. I have now been using a Smok Procolor with Big baby tank and am really pleased, and somewhat shocked in the difference in flavour it produces.

I do however have a small concern that the tank seems to be making a gurgling/ crackling sound when I fire. Could anyone be kind enough to advise me as to whether or not this is normal or anything to be concerned about?

I am currently vaping a 70VG/30 Hawk Sauce mix and have set the wattage at 50. Thanks for your time guys.



Member For 2 Years
Member For 1 Year
I am not an "expert", but...

In my experience what I have found is you need to find a "sweet" spot for your style of vaping. This includes combinations of adjusting airflow, wattage, and the rate at which you draw in your vape.

On those tanks I have found that when that is happening, you can draw more to reduce the noise, or tighten up the air flow if you are happy with the power settings as a starting point.

Happy vaping!
I am not an "expert", but...

In my experience what I have found is you need to find a "sweet" spot for your style of vaping. This includes combinations of adjusting airflow, wattage, and the rate at which you draw in your vape.

On those tanks I have found that when that is happening, you can draw more to reduce the noise, or tighten up the air flow if you are happy with the power settings as a starting point.

Happy vaping!

Thanks SADman. I will have a play around with the various settings. Was a little worried I had a faulty tank.

Have a great Christmas


Citrus Junkie
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VU Challenge Team
Welcome to VU Michael. Your coil may just be a bit flooded. Stick a q-tip in your tank a hold it upside down, or hold a paper towel loosely around the base of tank a blow out thru drip tip without firing mod.

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