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Here's Why The Eternals Didn't Help The Avengers Fight Thanos

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The Eternals are extremely powerful and they would've been a big asset in the fight against Thanos in Avengers Endgame, and yet they didn't so much as lift a finger against him. Why?

Marvel's upcoming Eternals movie will address that and explain why they didn't help the Avengers defeat the Mad Titan, according to MCU head Kevin Feige and Eternals producer Nate Moore.

They told Entertainment Weekly that the short answer is that they don't interfere with humans (but what about the trillions of non-humans that suffered at the hands of Thanos?). More specifically, they don't interfere with humans because their priority is the Deviants, the main enemy of the Eternals since their creation.

Fiege and Moore say the movie will address why the Eternals didn't volunteer to help the Avengers both in defeating Thanos and in helping the world recover post-Endgame. However, Eternals does pick up after Endgame so we'll likely learn exactly what they were up to after the events of the last Avengers team-up movie soon.

And although the Eternals didn't help the Avengers against Thanos, the trailer indicates they're aware of the team and might even be interested in leading them.

While waiting for Eternals, which hits theaters on November 5, learn more about them in IGN's Marvel's Eternals explainer and then watch the official Eternals teaser trailer. Watch this who's who breakdown of the trailer after that.

For more, read IGN's explainer of Kit Harington's Black Knight character and then check out this story about how Eternals has a similar style to Nomadland. Listen to Eternals star Kumail Nanjiani explain why each cast member was selected for the movie after that.

Wesley LeBlanc is a freelance news writer and guide maker for IGN. He's very excited to see why the Eternals didn't help the Avengers even though they definitely could've used it. You can follow him on Twitter @LeBlancWes.

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