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HHS board considers 'no vaping' zones in Columbia County


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'm a dick...I've made so many mistakes in my life and committed so many transgressions against other people...not out of malice but just sheer ignorance, fear and native stupidity...but then some of my greatrst mistakes have turned out to be Godsends, and some of my greatest desires I'm glad I never got, because they would have surely wound up killing me.
I'm always amazed at how diffrent people are and how diffrent their life goals are, how difffrent their realities are..I'm amazed at how some people whose truth makes no sense to me works perfectly well for other people.....and so I tend to say live and let live....people are diffrent and should be allowed to find their own path....and mostly I'm amazed at how creative and powefull human beings are.
And so I'm always amazed...that there are a ton of mundane, stupid, pig ignorant, boring, unimaginative fuckers running around that think they should be allowed to monitor my freedom...that they should be allowed to subject me to compliance and obediance so they can try and minimize the fear they live in that they should be allowed to make me live in as much fear as they do, and these idiots seek out positions in authority to impose their fear based reality on the rest of society...we have allowed the lowest and least qualified souls in our country to use the regulatory mechanisims to legislate control over us...a moronic beuacrat sings a piece of paper, in a moment, and it takes a huge amount of time and energy on the part of the people affected to overturn the whimsical decesion of a turd whose sole life purpose is to recieve titlation over being able to drag people who are more creative and happy, than they are ...down to their level of banality....we have given the goverment way way way to much power.

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