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Hi Everyone from California

I'm new to this forum, not new to vaping. Quit analogs with the help of vaping in 2009. Actually I was afraid to quit smoking as asinine as that was true. I smoked for 35 years - pad at least. The thought of quitting scared me silly, smoking was a friend good times and bad and I enjoyed smoking! My family has a history of heart disease and strokes so I knew way before quitting that I HAD to do it, if I wanted to live. I wanted to quit so bad. The headaches, the nasty smell I carried with me, the sick dependence on cigarettes - oh yes I was the kind of smoker that counted the smokes left in the last pack of the carton before I went to sleep that night if I had any less than about 5 or 6 it was off to the mini mart to buy at least a pack so I could have my coffee and lots of ciggies in the morning. My husband never smoked but he was very tolerant of the crazy woman I was as far as my smokes were concerned. I started smoking when I was about 13. I'd go to the local Thrifty Drug Store with a note from my dad. 'Please let my daughter pick up my Pall Malls today' my dad let me buy candy and teen magazines with the money leftover so I was always happy to go for him. I became a smoker in Jr. High School oh yes I was a big shot alright. (not!) I'm ashamed to admit that I actually smoked while pregnant. At low points I considered myself one sick bitch for doing that to my unborn children and myself. Thankfully no harm was done to my children and they are healthy adults. In 2008 a friend told me about e-cigs she quit and wanted me to do it too. I resisted for a good year as I approached my 50th birthday it dawned on me like a ton of bricks dropping on my head that if I wanted to live out my golden years with the best hubby and family on the planet I needed to quit. My father a heavy smoker had passed at 67 at that really scared me when I looked at my own tobacco habit. At first I did both, just to get the feel for vaping. I liked it but at the time I wasn't sure if I could quit. I was using about 6% bv my friend suggested I increase the nic. I went to about 16% bv and that did the trick. I set a date, smoked my last cigarette started vaping and haven't looked back. I had been vaping for about 2 months and at a regular checkup my Doctor was super impressed with my overall health and wanted to know all about this new thing called 'vaping' he is a huge supporter of vaping now. On another forum (eh that shall remain nameless lol) I looked over the vendors and found two, one for batteries, carts etc, the other for juice. My juice vendor located in York, PA has shuttered his 2 B&M stores as well as his online store due to gov't restrictions. Caramel Tobacco has always been 'my' flavor and I have been on a mad search to find it, without much luck. My hardware vendor of choice no longer sells the type of hardware I prefer. Always Joyetech brand. The Ego type, mega ego, egoC I prefer the pen style and looking around at many vendors I am finding that those types are out of favor. I had gradually decreased the nic over the last couple years with the thought of quitting ecigs but I enjoy vaping and don't imagine quitting. But now it looks like I need to find other options if I want to continue to vape, even though I can't imagine mixing my own liquids or building my own coils wtf is a coil anyways? oh boy I got some homework to do. Anyways that is my story everybody, hope to be on here as much as possible want to learn about mixing, building and getting involved with the community.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hello and welcome to VU, great story and thanks for sharing it with us, Enjoy the forum, glad you found vaping!!:wave:


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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I'm new to this forum, not new to vaping. Quit analogs with the help of vaping in 2009. Actually I was afraid to quit smoking as asinine as that was true. I smoked for 35 years - pad at least. The thought of quitting scared me silly, smoking was a friend good times and bad and I enjoyed smoking!

Wow, are you my long-lost twin?

Welcome to VU - plenty here to teach you other methods of vaping.

At first, couldn't imagine making my own coils or vaping with a box instead of the traditional shaped pens or whatever.

You are on your way :)


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Congrats and welcome to the UNDERGROUND:bunny:

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