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Hi im shakka


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My names shakka ive been vaping around 3 and a half years started on the little cigarette style and i cut the nicotine in 12 weeks. Shortly after i moved onto ego style and within a few weeks i had moved onto mechanicals over my time ive given away svds mvps ego drippers and more juice i cant even remember.
Now i chase flavour and also am a cloudchaser. Im lucky enough to have 12 sponsorships and it basically costs me nothing to vape. I have over 60 drippers and did have over 50 mech mods but ive given most away now only keeping my first ones and all my authentics. I have about 15 now plus 15 different box mods of all types. Vaping is a hobby now but im always happy to teach and share what i know.


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Welcome to the VU.


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Hi Shakka, how did you get sponsors...just wondering I would love to vape for free lol. I got one mod and one atty at the moment, but spend a ton of time checking out the latest stuff.


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Damn that is awesome. I have noticed that alot of the people who get things are those who present an honest opinion of the product, not the manufacturing ass kissers. Sounds like alot of work, but also alot of fun. The vaping community is super cool. Anyway, nice to meet you. Let me know when you are selling off some of your free stuff. I might get my second mod soon. Thinking about a TC device


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I have 15 boxmods some i will sell soon and i kept all my stingrays but i wouldnt sell my free AvidLyfe mods that would be wrong as i was given some of them. Imho. Its not hard work its doing what i love i cant work anymore so it gets me out going to meets all the time.


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You probably know enough people to get rid of what you wanna get rid of in a flash, but if you got any cool TC's you wanna get rid of for a good deal let me know. So far i have two mods and one atty lol. One is an ironwood unregulated box called Classique its pretty good. The other is a paradigm mods black osmium, which i got today. Thinking about coupling it with a black mini velocity


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Get the full size velocity i have over 60 atties and its the best ive had clouds flavour easy to build for those who struggle and adjustable air is the best


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Hi and welcome from me as well - sounds like you've got a lot of valuable experience I'm sure some of the other members would appreciate!

Tasty Heights

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Awesome Shakka-clad you decided to join. I've been vaping for over 2 years-work for a juice manufacturer and love the idea and culture of this tool/hobby. Me, mom, best friend and cousin all quit via ecigs/vaping. Just started dripping/building couple months ago. I'm way into it now--of course. I'm a straight up flavor chaser. I've been buying and selling atties-keeping my fave. So far is Marquis and Kennedy. Hex Ohm and Vaporshark dna200 on way. I do same with box mod's. SO-questions:
-any additional atties you might consider to give incredible taste or better than Marq and Kennedy? What's ur fav for taste?
-I haven't got into mech mod's. Should I-for a better flavor experience at all?
-what's ur fav box mod?
-Lastly--I love hunting for good product. Only one that I haven't caught is an authentic Velocity. Any ideas??

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