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Hi Vaping Underground,

My name is Zazoie and am glad to join this forum. I am migrating from the ECF to join ya'll here. I was a long time pack a day smoker but have been smoke free since the beginning of Jan 2015. I walked into a local BM tried a hit of a EGO-T and said, "OMG this is going to work!" I purchased the kit...threw away my pack of cigs in the car...drove home threw away the carton and have not looked back since...vaping saved my life yay!

As I began to read and learn I quickly found out that there was so much more to vaping than one could possibly imagine and I knew to make it successful I needed to make vaping my world not just an alternative to smoking but embrace it as a lifestyle. And what worked for me was seeing vaping as something different than smoking, a completely different beast not just an alternative and this led me to prefer vaping over smoking.

Since my Ego-T I have gone from an Istick30 with Kanger Nano - iPV 70W with Delta II - Kanger KBOX - and have been wrapping my own coils on a MutationX v2 and Tugboat. I just love all aspects of vaping and couldn't be happier. I am also a crazy juice junkie. I love collecting all the different vendors bottles...hehehe I am a total sucker for marketing and packaging. I wake and vape and don't stop till I go to bed - oh I do take time to breath occasionally ;)

My ADV's are: Mother's Milk, Unicorn Milk, Darth Vapor, and Circus Bear. (yes i guess I love diacetyl and controversial liquid :rolleyes:)

In other news I enjoy reading and video games. I am a total nerd...I collect video games mostly the bug from my dad since I was a little girl. I have a collection of 500+ lost count. I used to play a ton of MMORPG's but mostly just collect and vape. Oh and I love the Twilight Zone and an occasional episode of Mystery Science Theater.

I look forward to being part of the community here. Thanks for letting this crazy vaping nerd girl in :p


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Haha another ECF refugee :D There's a lot of us here! Welcome to VU!


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Welcome ... no shortage of juice vendors here!


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Welcome to the VU.
Have you noticed there are fewer rules here?
I like that part, and the contest, sales from site venders, information, and some pretty cool people.


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Welcome to the VU.
Have you noticed there are fewer rules here?
I like that part, and the contest, sales from site venders, information, and some pretty cool people.

I left the ECF because I got reprimanded twice within a half hour for something so petty...I loved most of the ECF community and was sort of sad to go, had the manager delete my account this morning but got so frustrated with mod hounds and almost every post on liquid I made a DIY was on my neck the second I would post about a liquid I would like that was perhaps too expensive. The DIY community on ECF like searches for those threads or something and just gets old. It was getting waaaayyy out of control. There may be DIY zombies here too I love you but please be nice and gentle with me :p
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I got in trouble for saying
"Hell-O, have a nice day"
to new members.
They said I was spamming.
I got in further trouble for posting what I did, that got me in trouble.


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Yeah my last warning was the mod deleted only a portion of my post which was a quote from a friend of mine and they said it was personal info. But what they deleted an left made my post look stupid so I erased everything and wrote - the mods deleted some of my post and now it does'nt make sense. I got a warning for commenting on a moderators action...but I wasn't trying to be combative at all...they totally pushed me to want to be combative though! hahaha So rather than get all PMS and be someone I am not which is mean and disrespectful I thought I'd come here and start over...but it sure does feel good to get this off my chest.


Custard Junkie
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Welcome - and ex-ecf members are our favorite kind ;)


Custard Junkie
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Hi Vaping Underground,

My name is Zazoie and am glad to join this forum. I am migrating from the ECF to join ya'll here. I was a long time pack a day smoker but have been smoke free since the beginning of Jan 2015. I walked into a local BM tried a hit of a EGO-T and said, "OMG this is going to work!" I purchased the kit...threw away my pack of cigs in the car...drove home threw away the carton and have not looked back since...vaping saved my life yay!

As I began to read and learn I quickly found out that there was so much more to vaping than one could possibly imagine and I knew to make it successful I needed to make vaping my world not just an alternative to smoking but embrace it as a lifestyle. And what worked for me was seeing vaping as something different than smoking, a completely different beast not just an alternative and this led me to prefer vaping over smoking.

Since my Ego-T I have gone from an Istick30 with Kanger Nano - iPV 70W with Delta II - Kanger KBOX - and have been wrapping my own coils on a MutationX v2 and Tugboat. I just love all aspects of vaping and couldn't be happier. I am also a crazy juice junkie. I love collecting all the different vendors bottles...hehehe I am a total sucker for marketing and packaging. I wake and vape and don't stop till I go to bed - oh I do take time to breath occasionally ;)

My ADV's are: Mother's Milk, Unicorn Milk, Darth Vapor, and Circus Bear. (yes i guess I love diacetyl and controversial liquid :rolleyes:)

In other news I enjoy reading and video games. I am a total nerd...I collect video games mostly the bug from my dad since I was a little girl. I have a collection of 500+ lost count. I used to play a ton of MMORPG's but mostly just collect and vape. Oh and I love the Twilight Zone and an occasional episode of Mystery Science Theater.

I look forward to being part of the community here. Thanks for letting this crazy vaping nerd girl in :p

Do you play on any consoles? I have an xbox one but I don't play it nearly as much as I'd like to..


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Awesome story ! mine is quite similar, although I am still at the Istick 30W stage and i just upgraded to a Mini from the Nano tank lol. I also started using ego's and have quit smoking recently and im never looking back.

I enjoyed what you said about looking at vaping as a totally different beast entirely, separate from smoking. I feel that way of thinking assisted me greatly.

Although i just recently joined it comforts me to know that a lot of the members on here are ex-smokers as i am sure that it will comfort you while interacting on here.

Nice to have you aboard!!



Vapid Vapetress
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welcome @Zazoie :) i was forever being admonished at ECF also, but unlike lots of ppl, i didn't take it lying down. hence, i am banned from there and happy to be here too. :)


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Thank you everyone for the warm welcome... @Smokeybear we do have similar experience...yay that's so awesome!
@kelli your crazy girl but right on! =) @anendeloflorien thanks for that link that is fantastic!


Custard Junkie
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I haven't logged into ECF for awhile now (mainly still have my account for classified section but don't even go there anymore) so I'm thinking of playing the ban game to see how long it would take.. and as many of you know already - this probably won't take very long :)


Vapid Vapetress
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I haven't logged into ECF for awhile now (mainly still have my account for classified section but don't even go there anymore) so I'm thinking of playing the ban game to see how long it would take.. and as many of you know already - this probably won't take very long :)
i can give you some pointers. ;)


Custard Junkie
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@VapedCrusader we could do a poll thread before you do? I am for 10 minutes

hmm.. I just need to think if I should do the long drawn out / creative method.. or just go in guns-a-blazin.. decisions, decisions! I just don't see a point to ever go back and give them any more of my time.. Maybe in 2015 VU can finally step up their hardware/ classified section like I've mentioned in the past lol


Member For 4 Years
Hello.. I'm very happy to see a vaper girl... LOL
I've been enjoying the journey of having every vape gear that I've chosen since I quit smoking, I hope everyone feel the same or at least no regret for getting rid of the stinkies, and I'm happy that I found this forum too...


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I haven't logged into ECF for awhile now (mainly still have my account for classified section but don't even go there anymore) so I'm thinking of playing the ban game to see how long it would take.. and as many of you know already - this probably won't take very long :)
What's the ban game? I am a member too; I've heard people say their posts get deleted but they are ok to me. I belong to many ecig forums; I like talking to Europeans...they are great people.


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I left the ECF because I got reprimanded twice within a half hour for something so petty...I loved most of the ECF community and was sort of sad to go, had the manager delete my account this morning but got so frustrated with mod hounds and almost every post on liquid I made a DIY was on my neck the second I would post about a liquid I would like that was perhaps too expensive. The DIY community on ECF like searches for those threads or something and just gets old. It was getting waaaayyy out of control. There may be DIY zombies here too I love you but please be nice and gentle with me :p

Ha-ha-ha...can I interest you in a DIY butter pecan ice cream recipe?
Guess I'm late 'cause I was lost in the Universe somewhere, but better late than...
Welcome to VU, 'zoie!
By now you know what a fine crew this is.
I'm still in good standing over at the other place
but having had little inconveniences with r1
and arguing with several of the wonder_ full mods..I know what you're saying.

But really, you can make whatever flavor juice you want and not ....:D


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