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Hello HIC

I have been very quiet during all of your many posts but feel it is now time to speak.

I have been vaping almost 8 months and for the first 6 I was concentrating my efforts on “all things” hardware until I was able to find my, and my wife’s “happy place”. Then turned my efforts toward making juices, though I had earlier mixed some single flavors and tried piddling with recipes that I got from other websites, my success had always been far less than anticipated. I do however have a peanut butter that I like, but still trying to walk away from a 43 year long smoking habit I do need/want more than one flavor.

I have viewed all of your recipe posts very closely. I must say you truly display a mastery of understanding flavors. I greatly appreciate the detail and the preciseness of your recipes as well as the suggested deviations you provide, your posts convey a recipe that has been well refined by someone who is conscientious about having their creations reproduced accurately, and are willing to lift up (intellectually) those who wish to try. I now understand that many failures were not only due to myself being a newbie who is completely out of his eliminate, but by having so many recipes on the web (a few on the VU) consisting of a flavor and percentage with no manufacture (let alone comments) has only promoted this failure. I wish to thank you for raising the bar, and setting a new standard that even struggling newbie’s can follow.

I think many veteran vapers out there have either forgotten the struggles they encountered so long ago or do not realize the various levels of talent (or lack of) of those who read their post, and only hope that more will be able to follow your example.

I have also been following your flavor notes as well, and find your descriptions and comments incredibly informative in understanding the affect each flavor has on a recipe. The comparisons and suggested combinations you provide along with them has really helped me to wrap my head around how to use them, and have found myself logging in to see if you have any new posts.

Until recently all of the flavors I have purchased were from The Favor Apprentice. Fortunately I only bought half of the store; unfortunately it was the wrong half. I have seen references you have made about some of them that allowed me understand that I would never gain my desired effect based on flavor name and description (i.e. cheesecake)

I received the UK nicotine you reviewed, the FA flavors, a couple of FW flavors, and yes back to TFA for a few I did not have in order reproduce ten of your recipes that I thought I would like. I mixed the 5 mil recipes in 15 mil glass bottles (a new upgrade from plastic) and placed them in my ultrasonic cleaner for 30 minutes (just to be well mixed) and when I came back I found 10 labels floating in the water. I would normally consider this to be a setback, but instead found myself enjoying my attempt to discern the flavor differences of 10 bottles of very pleasing juice.

On behalf of myself and I’m sure other quiet newbies out there, I wanted you to know that your posts go much farther than the responses you see, and wish to pay homage by saying Thank You for the education and Thank You for your contributions to make the VU the only source that a vaper needs.

I look forward to your future posts.

Smoky Blue

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Very nicely put, Henry..

On behave of those that do not add flavor companies.. please.. if you have a question on a recipe, please.. post up.
If you are new or.. new to mixing, say something.. sometimes new or old mixers do not put where they go the flavorings, however..
if you take the time to look at it, and make an assumption without asking.. well.. it is a learning process.

Normally I don't add.. not that it's a big secret.. it's my short hand. Sometimes, I do admit, I can not even read my own writing..
Sad but true.. education here in the south lacks a ton..
If it is one of mine, and there is a question.. I do not mind taking the time to say, hey here is where I got it..
specially if I took the time to share.. others may or may not look at it this way..
but always, when in doubt.. ask..

That is very sweet to post up to HIC and I am sure when he sees it, it will bring him a big huge smile.. ;)
You are a good guy, Henry and thanks for posting up.. it's rather nice seeing someone take the time to even make a post to say thanks..
and I know he will appreciate it :)


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Hello HIC

On behalf of myself and I’m sure other quiet newbies out there, I wanted you to know that your posts go much farther than the responses you see, and wish to pay homage by saying Thank You for the education and Thank You for your contributions to make the VU the only source that a vaper needs.

I look forward to your future posts.

Right on HIC :)


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I fully support Henry's comments that HIC truly is a top drawer talent who has really helped me understand the subtle art of mixing over the last months as well. Henry, your not alone, I have a large inventory of unused TFA too. I just accepted it as a rite of passage.

Having said that, I'd also like to take a sec to shout out props to some other giants in VU that have shared invaluable insights and resources:

RocketPuppy, your tireless organizing and postings of DIY sourcing on this site and others has saved us a ton of time and money!!

Willmc doesn't post new recipes as often as HIC, but when they do speak... listen!! Smokey blue, you're in the same camp my friend!

Thanks AmandaD for the questions that I wanted to ask but didn't have too.

And of course MandyCat who pioneered so much of the knowledge we take for granted today. It was your TV show that got me started down this rabbit hole (check out her youtube vids... she's a babe!).

All the software tool builders who put the time and effort to give us such great ways to store, organize, and calculate our mixes.

And of course VU itself, for having the best "forum rules" ever... Hope to buy you all a big slice of Pie someday ;)


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Very well said Henry!!!

HIC's flavor descriptions go beyond amazing, and companies should pay for them.

I went through too many recipes and flavor companies before I found anything decent. I've wanted to quit mixing a few times (and still have those days), but I have been saved by members here (and the site which must not be named). As fun as diy is, it's time consuming and frustrating at times, but I think having this community of fellow mixers has been the reason for why I'm finally making good stuff, why I no longer spend paychecks on pre-made, and the reason as to why I don't smoke. I think the diy section has the coolest people, and I already know I have some lifelong friends, well...if they don't get sick of me.

There are way too many people to thank, pretty much everyone. I think everyone adds not just personality but insight into this relatively new endeavor. Just think, we already created such a stir which solicited change in terms of flavor warnings.

So...Thank You to everyone!!! You all rock!


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WHOA!!! I've never gotten a shout out before. I'm excited =)
Thank you @memvapr. You totally made my day. I just got done sitting in the dentist's chair for two hours, so now I'm not feeling sorry for myself anymore. If you're ever on the lookout for something and can't find it, I'm your dog. =)


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So true, the line above where it was said that HIC has kept many of us in D.I.Y. and vaping happily. It is so fun and tasty to try out the many recipes HIC has brought forth.
All the while he has helped us gain more knowledge in how to use those flavors and notes in our own mixes to better them.
Thanks HIC
Smile a big one tonight..;)


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Smoky Blue, your right. I have always followed the adage “there are no dumb questions, only dumb mistakes” it is just when you are so new many things look simple enough, when the reality is your just not smart enough yet to know the right questions to ask. Tools are more obvious; glass or plastic, syringes or pipettes, where to buy this or that. Understanding that two companies making the same flavor for the same purpose can make them so differently; one will make your recipe delicious while the other will destroy it, is not something as obvious until afterwards.

My mistakes, and like you I will blame it on southern education, I did not see what was not obvious. But please understand I was only trying to enlighten, not throw stones. As memvapr pointed out, though one stands out, this is not a forum of one, everyone contributes. And many of those have passed their initial learning curve during a time that was far less hospitable, fewer flavors smaller hardware, the process was much more difficult than what new vapers have now, so all that have came before me have my respect.


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THANK YOU, everyone! You made me feel like a rock star! :cool:

Henry, pat yourself and your wife on the back for quitting smoking, and then do it again for your persistence with making vaping work for you both! Knowing I had any role in that process is the most incredible compliment ever, and I appreciate you taking time to write about it. What a huge accomplishment you've both made - 43 years!

I'm so glad the community from the old ecf site found a way to continue here underground. It's like after a stodgy office party ends and the real fun starts.

Now I feel all motivated to make some new recipes and get more flavor descriptions posted! It's really great to be so appreciated!

Smoky Blue

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Smoky Blue, your right. I have always followed the adage “there are no dumb questions, only dumb mistakes” it is just when you are so new many things look simple enough, when the reality is your just not smart enough yet to know the right questions to ask. Tools are more obvious; glass or plastic, syringes or pipettes, where to buy this or that. Understanding that two companies making the same flavor for the same purpose can make them so differently; one will make your recipe delicious while the other will destroy it, is not something as obvious until afterwards.

My mistakes, and like you I will blame it on southern education, I did not see what was not obvious. But please understand I was only trying to enlighten, not throw stones. As memvapr pointed out, though one stands out, this is not a forum of one, everyone contributes. And many of those have passed their initial learning curve during a time that was far less hospitable, fewer flavors smaller hardware, the process was much more difficult than what new vapers have now, so all that have came before me have my respect.

Henry, do not assume that I am knockin ya one.. that's not me..;)

it wasn't all about all my above.. just a tip for those reading and are either not wanting to post.. or other.. that to ask when in doubt.. I have run into some pretty messed up situations and people on my diy journey.. some dont even like to share places, much less recipes.. even the goofs.. trust me.. after time.. we all will learn on that too.. the number 1 thing.. that I learned.. is when you tell someone no, do not do that.. explain why.. and yes most just starting out, it can be a challenge.. people have different personalities and post things one way or the other.. sometimes, or a lot of times, text is hard to translate into vocal intonations.. ;)

I just do not want you to take me wrong when I posted what I did..

Like I said on my ending of my post here.. That is very sweet to post up to HIC and I am sure when he sees it, it will bring him a big huge smile.. ;) You are a good guy, Henry and thanks for posting up.. it's rather nice seeing someone take the time to even make a post to say thanks..
and I know he will appreciate it :p


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Understanding that two companies making the same flavor for the same purpose can make them so differently; one will make your recipe delicious while the other will destroy it, is not something as obvious until afterwards.

Right there is why I have such a collection of rejected flavorings - and why I am so long-winded in my descriptions.

Vendors' vague and poetic descriptions drive me up a wall (FA's most laughable description, "Unleash the child inside yourself") almost as much as recipes like "15% Strawberry and 3ml Vanilla" :rolleyes: (and yes, I know I tend to go a bit far in the other direction...remember Lyle the Anal-Retentive Chef from


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Right there is why I have such a collection of rejected flavorings - and why I am so long-winded in my descriptions.

Vendors' vague and poetic descriptions drive me up a wall (FA's most laughable description, "Unleash the child inside yourself") almost as much as recipes like "15% Strawberry and 3ml Vanilla" :rolleyes: (and yes, I know I tend to go a bit far in the other direction...remember Lyle the Anal-Retentive Chef from
but that "bit far" is exactly what so many of us need, I don't understand why the manufactures do not have something as descriptive to go with their products, seems to me that it would increase their sales once people know what they can do with them


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but that "bit far" is exactly what so many of us need, I don't understand why the manufactures do not have something as descriptive to go with their products, seems to me that it would increase their sales once people know what they can do with them
oh well, I'm grateful we have you


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Agree with all of the above! HIC made my DIY efforts a huge success - and lots of fun. I haven't even wanted to buy a single bottle of ready made juice since I found his recipes, and I was a total juice whore before....of course I had a gazillion bottles of awful juice. Now I have a gazillion test samples of fabulous juice, all thanks to HIC!


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@HeadInClouds I hate you!!! :D
You almost got me bankrupt with all your delicious recipes and flavor descriptions, and I could only test a few of them.
I hate you for creating Caribbean Cooler, Caramel Eggnog, Cuba Libre and Tame Rum.

I hate you so much that I love it!
Make me hate you MOAR!!!


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^^^^^ This ^^^^^^^


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It is time I stopped merely lurking. I have been 3 mos without a cig. I was a lurker on the other forum soaking up everything I could on DIY. I have many flavors from TFA, some from CAP, as well as a few LA. I have been successful in finding 3 recipes so far that I enjoy, with several that my kitchen sink's drain enjoyed more. Then I ran across the pure vapes thread. I read through all 300+ pages, some more than once, some bookmarked for later reference.

I feel like I gained more knowledge in those 300 pages than the combined effort of my reading prior. Reading the old thread, I found my way over here to continue that journey. Next week, I will have around 65 FA flavors to toy with (HIC breaks another wallet, then posts recipes with flavors not included on any of my orders). I have an entire spreadsheet of recipes from the 2 threads I am anxious to try out.

So my thanks goes out to HIC and the others involved as well. Hopefully I will be able to contribute as I get some more experience under my belt. If I can pick up 25% of what HIC seems to know about flavoring, I will be in good shape. Keep it up, I guarantee there are alot more quiet ones that are picking up some very good information.


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I also have to chime in and thank HIC for all his knowledge of flavors & DIY, he is a real pleasure to have in the DIY forum and he keeps me motivated to DIY...I also have to thank him for introducing me to FA, (they really should hire him as a spokes person). also thanks to all the people who made the original thread on the other place and continuing over here into a E-Text book of learning.

I also have to thank TFA/TPA for the most difficult flavors to work with and forcing me to study flavor profiles, flavor notes, chemistry and giving me a year of the required 7 year apprenticeship to become a flavorist.


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... and giving me a year of the required 7 year apprenticeship to become a flavorist.

I think our 'flavoring apprenticeships' are better measured in the number of mixes you try, not how long it takes. Tiny batches, lots of variety, and soon you find all kinds of interesting flavor interactions. You may not like many of them, but that's useful info, too!


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I also have to thank TFA/TPA for the most difficult flavors to work with and forcing me to study flavor profiles, flavor notes, chemistry and giving me a year of the required 7 year apprenticeship to become a flavorist. I know what you mean here !!

The difference is like eating at the "before Chef Ramsey resturant food" ........and then eating the food the last day he is there.

Thats the difference in TFA and FA.... (for the most part......with very few exceptions)
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Member For 5 Years I know what you mean here !!

The difference is like eating at the "before Chef Ramsey resturant food" ........and then eating there the last day he is there.

Thats the difference in TFA and FA.... (for the most part......with very few exceptions)
Excellent analogy.


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I'm new here but I'm already in awe of HIC. Might I point out there seems to be a bit of a hole on Youtube for a rockstar e liquid mixologist.


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Lot's of folks have shared their recipes and tips on this forum......for that I am truly grateful......Thanks to all!!


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Sorry I am so late to be chiming in HIC you have saved me from more disasters in DIYing your taste and mine are close flavor level wise and that sure helps. Thanks to you and everyone else I have over 100 recipes - with who posted them - in Word docs on my puter so if the net goes down I still have them:p


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I think Flavour Art needs to thank HIC as well. Lol. I've purchased so many random flavors from them because of HIC.
But on a serious note, I agree with all of the above.
i echo rin13 thoughts , even though i am late to the thread hic has helped me with suggestions and my mixing knowledge is better,having read his posts, as well as others here on VU. its one thing to toss the knowledge out, its another to help people one on one. thanks for the help hic.
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