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HIC's Mandarin-Nut Torrone recipe: Italian nougat candy with orange-nut flavors
2% FA Torrone
2% FA Nut Mix
1% FA Walnut
2% FA Mandarin (Orange is not bold enough, really needs Mandarin)
Shake 'n vape. A mild, half-strength version is also good, especially for all-day vaping.
FA Torrone includes almond; nut mix includes hazelnut and a little walnut (perhaps other nut flavors I can't detect). The additional Walnut flavoring balances them all out and tames the hazelnut.
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HIC's Mandarin-Nut Torrone recipe: Italian nougat candy with orange-nut flavors
2% FA Torrone
2% FA Nut Mix
1% FA Walnut
2% FA Mandarin (Orange is not bold enough, really needs Mandarin)
Shake 'n vape. A mild, half-strength version is also good, especially for all-day vaping.
FA Torrone includes almond; nut mix includes hazelnut and a little walnut (perhaps other nut flavors I can't detect). The additional Walnut flavoring balances them all out and tames the hazelnut.
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