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Hot vape with higher watt ??

Hi there,
I have the istick picko 75 w
I started today with vaping,was smoking before.
Is it normal when I higher the wattage the vape is getting hot and it hurts my throat ?!
When I vape at 30-35 watt it's ok but over that it's starts warming up and hurting my throat.
I use the original coils was already installed and 3 mg nic.
Any help please?


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I've found, with the premade coils i've used, that around 38+ watts (1.8 ohm to 0.8 ohm) the cotton begins to burn a bit. That will give a "burnt throat" feeling. Also, you can open your air flow more to cool the vapor. Higher watts = higher temp = more vapor, so... it could be the PG in your ejuice is the villian. You may be a bit sensitive. I use 20pg and 80vg.

What is the pg/vg blend you are using?


It's VG/PG not PG/VG
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Different attys require different wattages for optimum performance, but at the end it's up to the user personal preference.
If you're good at 30-35W stay at 30-35W, the fact that your mod can reach 75W doesn't necessarily mean that you should.


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Think of it like.. a 60w light bulb is brighter than a 25w light bulb.
By increasing the wattage applied (you're actually just changing the voltage), more heat is created.
As you vape on the end of it, the output temperature will be related to how fast the air is moving (since you are cooling the coil).
If you increase the air speed (draw faster), you are increasing the cooling of the coil, and you can turn the watts up.
Power vapers (cloud chasers) use really high wattage and draw hard.
Mouth to lung vapers use lower wattage and draw lightly.
Some (all ?) coils have recommended wattage ranges, and different juices tend to be "best" at different watts as well.
Hi guys, the juice is 97% VG
I found with about 34 watt it's really nice
The coils the came with the kit, is that ss?
I don't know , how to set the proper TCR for those coils!?
Thanks for responding


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The coils that come with the kit are 0.3 ohm kanthal and 0.5 ohm kanthal. They are intended for use in wattage mode only, not temp control, so TCR does not apply.


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Hi guys, the juice is 97% VG
I found with about 34 watt it's really nice
The coils the came with the kit, is that ss?
I don't know , how to set the proper TCR for those coils!?
Thanks for responding

If 34 watts is really nice, then keep it there at 34 watts.
I use an Innokin Axiom and its perfect for me at 26 watts.
High wattage is not a necessity, find what you like and use those settings.


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