So i could make 300ml juice (which would last for 1 month with tfv4 on tricoil?) for only 30 bucks?
welll sort of
you need all your supplies
1. a recipe
2. nicotine
3. pg and vg
4 your flavors
lets stasrt with recipes
you can find them all over the internet and in the DIY forum here
then nicotine comes in either pg or v g. pg is easier to work with, but if you like max vg juices then you need vg nicotine
it also coms in different mg strengths
form 3mg to 100
most DIY'ers just buy 100mg becuase of the cost. More mgs means more price
but since your diluting the 100mg down to 6,12 or whatever mg your saving money
then you need to find some pg and vg
then you need the flavors in your recipe
you can buy 1 flavor in 10ml from many places for ABOUT $3 mos t recipes call for 1-10 % of a flavor so even at 10% thats only costing you about 1 cent per flavor per ml you make
nicotine is the most expensive
for people like me who DIY all teh time we buy mass quantities
I just bought a liter of nicotine at 100 mg - that will last me 2-3 years for $60
i just bought 2 GALLONS of VG for $40 that will last me like 2-3 years
so just basing it offd the fact i use 6mg nicotine that 100mg nicotine can make me about 6000ml
plenty of vg in 2 gallons to make that
then i need say 60 10 ml bottles of flavors at $3 each
so to make 6 liters of juice it costs me
which is about 4 or 5 cents a ml
now that nic was cheap and hopefully good, never used it before. my normal nic costs $130 a liter.
Now that is buying in BULK
when you buy in smaller quantities to get started your cost per ml is higher..... I think the avg is 9 to 14 cents a ml STILL ALOT CHEAPER then buying pre made juice.
I would suggest going to the DIY forum here and reading up on some of the tutorials
The check out to get you started with a small initial order
Last time i figured this out for some one
i think I figured for like $50ish you could get enough supplies from there to make 200-300 mls to get you started in the DIY world and figure stuff out
DIY does come out to be much cheaper per ML
but the problem is buying the bulk and finding the right recipes FOR YOU. For example I wanted to make a basic peach mango flavor. I tried 4 companies peach and mango flavors and spent like 30 on that stuff and I did not like it
then I found a 5th company's flavors and use them instead. SO there is some trial and error in DIY. But over all MUCH MUCH MUCH MUCH Cheaper in the long run