In NBC's new comedy, The Good Place -- created by Michael Schur (The Office, Parks and Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine), with Drew Goddard (Marvel's Daredevil, Lost, Cabin in the Woods, The Martian) directing the pilot and executive producing along with Schur -- Kristen Bell's Eleanor is an ordinary woman who enters a heavenly afterlife after a clerical error mistakes her for one of the world's best and noble people. From there, her slice of paradise starts malfunctioning because of her mere presence, confounding her resident guide and overseer, Michael (Ted Danson).
The cast and creators of this new series sat for a Q&A panel at the Television Critics Association summer press tour where Schur spoke about how different this project was from Parks and Recreation. "The pilot is a pretty good template for what is an average episode for this show," he explained. "It has a contained story, and then at the end something kind of dramatic happens and it sends the show spiraling off into a different place. The model for this show, in some ways, in my own head, is Lost."
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The cast and creators of this new series sat for a Q&A panel at the Television Critics Association summer press tour where Schur spoke about how different this project was from Parks and Recreation. "The pilot is a pretty good template for what is an average episode for this show," he explained. "It has a contained story, and then at the end something kind of dramatic happens and it sends the show spiraling off into a different place. The model for this show, in some ways, in my own head, is Lost."
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