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How to Help Victims of Haiti’s Earthquake and Tropical Storm

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Following a devastating earthquake, Haiti is suffering. At the most recent count, as reported by the BBC, at least 1,941 people have died, 10,000 are injured, tens of thousands have lost their homes, and an unknown number of people remain missing. Disaster relief efforts were disrupted by a tropical storm that brought further devastation to Haiti, and a month-long state of emergency has been declared.

Below we’ve assembled some ways you can help those affected via your donations and support of the following organizations that are on the ground in Haiti, and focused on the immediate needs of the injured and displaced: Medical care, emergency shelter construction, and supplying medication, food, clean water, and basic living needs. Many of the organizations we highlighted have made a long-term commitment to assisting Haiti as well.

Hope for Haiti:

Hope for Haiti is a non-profit organization that has been assisting Haiti with disaster relief for over three decades. Their team is made up of staff who live and work on the ground in Haiti, and they are currently distributing emergency kits, clean water, and helping with medical care to those in need.

Haitian Health Foundation:

Haitian Health Foundation is a non-profit that works on the ground in communities to assist with healthcare, education, and community development in Haiti. Right now, they are treating those injured from the earthquake at their main clinic and on location, along with providing medical supplies, emergency transportation, health services, partnering with World Central Kitchen to deliver meals, as well as assessing damage to peoples’ homes.

Partners In Health

Partners In Health offers emergency medical care including trauma teams and mobile, on-site medical care in Haiti. Partners In Health describes itself as “the largest non-governmental healthcare provider in Haiti,” providing medical care in many forms via a network of clinics and hospitals in remote regions.

Locally Haiti

Locally Haiti is on the ground operating in rural regions hard hit by the earthquake and storm, such as Petit Trou de Nippes. Locally Haiti makes working with local leaders a priority in order to get resources directly to people, and have made building shelters a focus of their current aid. They support programs for locally grown food and access to health care.


Airlink is a non-profit organization working with aviation partners to help transport supplies and workers directly to Haiti and other places around the world experiencing crises. They are assisting with immediate needs, including search and rescue missions, medical care, emergency shelter, clean water, and food.


UNICEF Haiti is part of the global non-profit, UNICEF, and have their teams on the ground providing emergency aid to those affected by the earthquake. Along with health, clean water, and nutrition needs, they are assisting with shelter for those who lost their homes, as well as helping children reunite with their families.

Save the Children:

Save the Children is a non-profit organization that helped with disaster relief in Haiti during the 2010 earthquake, and their teams are on the ground assisting with emergency relief aid right now. Their efforts include supplying clean drinking water, emergency shelters for families, and nutrient-rich meals for those in need.

Doctors Without Borders:

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) teams are on the ground in Haiti, specifically in the regions of Port-Salut, Les Cayes, and Jérémie, providing emergency medical needs, including first aid kits, emergency tent clinics, medicine, and supplies for blood transfusions. They are also assessing other areas that need emergency support in Haiti. MSF has been helping the communities in Haiti for 30 years, and donations will go toward medical humanitarian emergencies.


AmeriCares is a non-profit helping with emergency response and poverty around the world. Their teams are currently working on the ground in Haiti, with other teams shipping out more than 18 tons of medicine and emergency supplies from their distribution center in the U.S. All donations will be currently matched up to their goal of $500,000, thanks to MathWorks.

Project HOPE:

Project HOPE is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1958, focusing on global health and humanitarian relief worldwide. They currently have a response team in Haiti to assist with PPE, clean water supplies, and hygiene kits.

We hope you’ll join us in contributing to the above causes.

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