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Howdy from the great state of Texas!


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Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I've seen several people I know on this forum so I dropped in to give it a shot. Seems since I am a victim of the nazi regime over at that other stoopid forum I will fit right in here. So thanks for giving me a place to talk vape and be my system upsetting self. :D

I've been vaping for a few years now and am a confirmed mech head and squonkaholic. Looking forward to shooting the shit with ya'll.


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Welcome to the VU
Glad to have you here.


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Thanks for the welcomes I appreciate it. Glad to be here.


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I figgered :teehee: Its the first name that popped into my head. :):) Good to see ya too. :wave:

lol Well I maybe rambunctious but I would never be so arrogant to think someone would remember lil ole me. :devil:


Silver Contributor
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Just wanted to drop in and introduce myself. I've seen several people I know on this forum so I dropped in to give it a shot. Seems since I am a victim of the nazi regime over at that other stoopid forum I will fit right in here. So thanks for giving me a place to talk vape and be my system upsetting self. :D

Wow! You're here! I remember you! You don't know me, I'm sure, but I missed you when you were gone. I always appreciated your wit. ;) Welcome! :D


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Wow! You're here! I remember you! You don't know me, I'm sure, but I missed you when you were gone. I always appreciated your wit. ;) Welcome! :D

Thanks Lannie! And you may have seen me recently as VirusJunkie but that ruse was figured out pretty quick and I got the boot AGAIN. Hahaha

ETA: And yes I remember you from the Womper thread among others and that beautiful pup in your avie. :D


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Thanks Lannie! And you may have seen me recently as VirusJunkie but that ruse was figured out pretty quick and I got the boot AGAIN. Hahaha

LOL! That was you? I was just getting to like Virus Junkie, but hadn't noticed the banhammer had fallen. Geez-Louise...


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Yeah that was me, I saw something on the Nicoticket forums I had to reply to Kent "Clark" so I made an account to tell them. :)

And a fat lot of good it did, the retarded one deleted all your posts... that's about all he does now, delete posts and lock threads. He gets a thrill down his leg when he can actually BAN someone.

But hey, you can't be ALL bad if you're a fellow Blazing Saddles aficionado! ;)


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And a fat lot of good it did, the retarded one deleted all your posts... that's about all he does now, delete posts and lock threads. He gets a thrill down his leg when he can actually BAN someone.

But hey, you can't be ALL bad if you're a fellow Blazing Saddles aficionado! ;)

Yeah retarted has had it out for me since the word go, I got so many warnings and deleted posts from them I lost count after the first week. When the other mods would just pass over them and chalk up it up to me being me. There was even a time I had a few of the other mods agreeing with me in private messages and begging me to tone it down and they would keep him off my case. :giggle:

And thank you! I really am not a bad guy but I despise when people abuse their position so I fucked with retarted quite a bit.

But Clark saw my message and I did get to cut up in a few other threads before I got shut down so it was a success.


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There have been times that I've wanted to poke him with a sharp stick to the eye, but I don't wanna get banned there just yet, so I get up and walk away from the 'puter. One of these days, though, I'm not gonna get up in time, and then it'll be all over for me. :)


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There have been times that I've wanted to poke him with a sharp stick to the eye, but I don't wanna get banned there just yet, so I get up and walk away from the 'puter. One of these days, though, I'm not gonna get up in time, and then it'll be all over for me. :)

Please oh please when you decide it's time let me know. I like to watch.:devil:


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LOL! It won't be premeditated, I assure you. If I go ballistic, it will be a spur of the moment thing. But I'll let everyone know and if you're quick enough to see it before it goes bye-bye, then goodie for you, but I can't promise anything! :giggle:


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LOL! It won't be premeditated, I assure you. If I go ballistic, it will be a spur of the moment thing. But I'll let everyone know and if you're quick enough to see it before it goes bye-bye, then goodie for you, but I can't promise anything! :giggle:

Well I guess now I have reason to carry around my tablet. :teehee:

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