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How are yall doing ? I'm Curly Merkin, and I am very happy to be here, rather than the "other guys" forum. They were a bunch of censoring, nit-picking NAZIS!!! I got booted for MY NAME!! WTH??? I wasnt causing drama, or making inappropriate remarks or anything....but what ever!!! Who needs 'em.....
Anyhow...A little about me. I am new to vaping , having made the switch about 2.5 months ago. I was a dedicated smoker for over 30 years. I never would have imagined myself not smoking cigarettes...I enjoyed it WAY too much. Then (about 4 months ago) my best friend brought over an Ever-Smoke "ciga-like" starter kit. At first, it was just a mere novelty. i figured i would give it a try. The kit came with 2 prefilled cartamisers, 2 batteries and an USB charger. it was ok...I was using it as an "in-betweener" to at least try to cut down on my cigarette smoking (I was a Pack + a day smoker) and it was actually working out for me in that regard .
And then it happened...The cartimisers ran out. So I was searching for those carts EVERYWHERE!!! (easy to do when you drive for a NOTHING was turning up:mad:. I was still heavy smoking, but what I really was craving was the VAPOR!! So I finally went out to my local B&M, (Ready Set and they hooked me up with a simple box mod set up for under 100.00 buck (an Eleaf iStick 30 VW and a couple simple Aspire CE5 tanks and 3 15ml bottle of their AWESOME, House blended juices. Out the door, $74.56 dollar). From there it was not long until I gave up the Camel Filters completely and went full-bore VAPE:D!! Tomorrow, My new Aspire Atlantis Mega and MAXX battery combo kit should arrive in my "Vape" Mail Box tomorrow, and then its on!! Actual CLOUDS & FLAVOR!! Already scoping out Volt/Ohm meters and RDA's which I can not WAIT to get into!!
Its been a long,strange trip, but I feel so much better physically and mentally now that cigarettes are gone from my life. I am now flip-flopping from 6mg to 3mg to 6mg again in nic levels...My goal is to reach ZERO nic by my 48th birthday in November:p!!
Thanks for reading, and go in peace, my new friends.:)
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Great man glad to hear another success story,and Welcome To VU.Lots of help with pretty much anything you need help with.Keep it between the lines and most of all VAPE ON MY FRIEND


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Welcome to the VU. Yes there are about 500 pages rules that we don't have here that they have. All you have to do here is just "play well with others"


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Thanks for having me, friends!! Good to be here!! I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.....(or did I just over nic again?? LMAO)

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