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I am 25 years old , don't call me "Child "......

How old am I? Do you know?

  • 25

    Votes: 4 66.7%
  • 24

    Votes: 2 33.3%

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Hi all, i'm a vapegirl , and i am a adult , so i don't like some one call me "child " yeah maybe my face looks very young, i am proud of it , but young face not mean my mind is not mature.


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Your avitar does look younger than the imbedded pics, but you looks like you somehow figured out how to stand sideways in those... or your planking :giggle:

Some people are just assholes, don't take forum trolls comments personally. If you're 25 then you are aging very well and you will look like a 20 something when you're mid 30's... you win.
You're cute, don't worry about what people say :blowkiss:


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Welcome to the UNDERGROUND!

To be honest, everyone under 25 looks like a child to me.

To be painfully honest, this is because I am a senile "Old Fart":giggle:


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Hi all, i'm a vapegirl , and i am a adult , so i don't like some one call me "child " yeah maybe my face looks very young, i am proud of it , but young face not mean my mind is not mature.
Hey its all good girl! I'm 26 and everytime I go into a store and get carded they are like, 'Girl you ain't no 26' Sometimes its annoying but I have to repeat to myself that I'll feel blessed later on. :p


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Since you are younger than my children...and I call them Child, Children and Kids. I might also call you a child.

The child spends years wishing to be adult. The adult spends the rest of it's life wishing it could be a child.


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Welcome to VU.

If you are fond of goats, please avoid @Condensation.

That is all.
You have goat to be kidding me.


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Bahaha, I'm 26 and a lot of people think I'm around 20... ...sometimes younger. The older they are, the younger I look to them.

I work in a position of leadership, wherein people old enough to be my parents answer to me. But to me, the respect is still there, even if they probably see me like one of their son's friends (which I think is perfectly understandable.) They still listen to me and take me seriously. It's not a huge deal to me because I know that I have the skills and experience to do my job well, be a good example, and treat people with respect. I am who I am by the merits of my efforts, not my accolades or my silly title. And that comes back to me. We're a closely knit team of people from all walks of life, each with our own roles to play. Big emphasis on the "people" part. Different, but all equal.

A lot of it comes down to how you present (or perhaps, don't present) yourself, IME. Quite often people will address me as somewhat of a kid at first, but by the end of the conversation, "sir" becomes the word. A kid has everything to prove and nothing to lose, while a man walks with silent conviction and a keen understanding of his limitations. He doesn't need to prove the truth. It is shown through his actions. There's nothing to show and nothing to hide. There are more important things than being recognized for being mature and "with it." That's not what being an adult means... ...not to me, anyway.

Come to think of it, this only started happening when I stopped worrying about it. A big part of being/appearing mature is looking past how people see you, getting down to what's important, and just being yourself in spite of how people might address you. It's something that comes to you naturally only when you stop wanting it. It's about not having that need to impress people and be validated. It's more important that you simply know who you are and stick to your goals. Everyone makes those face-value assessments, but they are more of a temporary filler. When they get to know the real person, that impression is forgotten. When you really are the person you see yourself being, people recognize that. And the people who never get that far aren't important anyway. Just passing through.

Hell, sometimes I play into it to my advantage. Especially in those little passing interactions. Being a grown adult in a young fool's body has its perks! Embrace it, while you still can.

The child spends years wishing to be adult. The adult spends the rest of it's life wishing it could be a child.
Haha, too true. On one hand, I really can't wait to be 30. I think that's a good balance of youthfulness and wisdom/experience (well... ...if you play the right hands, anyway.) But on the flipside, I wish I had a few more years of being carefree than I feel I do. Those times are already kind of at an end for me. I've become very focused and serious. It feels good. It's empowering. But I will miss those days of just being adrift and not needing to understand certain things. Sometimes I still yearn for those times... ...especially the part regarding having an ability to always look healthy.

Generally speaking, I try not to think about these things. Not a whole lot can be done about it. Somehow, time marches on...
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