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I cant get my OBS Nano tank apart


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Probably because I haven't had it apart since I got it 8 or 9 years ago, but I managed to crack the glass on one, and I have tons of spare glass, but I can't get the tank apart to replace the glass. I'm currently soaking it in a shotglass of vodka. I can't think of what else to do. I've tried pliers (gently), but even that won't budge it. I hesitate to just break the glass out, but I wonder if that would be the way to go.

Does anyone have any ideas? Oh, you know, I just remembered something from way back about putting a tank in the freezer for a while to unstick it. Does that really work? If so, how long should I leave it in the freezer?


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
VU Donator
Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I had a tank that worked with once upon a time. I think I left it in the freezer for maybe 15 minutes or so? But it was a long time ago and these days I sometimes can't remember what I had for breakfast.

Wait, did I even eat breakfast today?


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Worse than that, WHO ARE YOU? (Just kidding!) Thanks for trying to remember. ;)

I've got it out of the vodka and if I still can't get it apart in a few minutes, I'll stick it in the freezer and see if that helps any. I would hate to lose this. These are my VERY favorite tanks, and they're not even made anymore.


Silver Contributor
Member For 5 Years
FREEZER WORKED!!! Thank you! I wasn't sure if that was a valid method, but I guess it is. Now, you wanna know how old my tank is? Everything was SO stuck together, I had to break the glass anyway (tapping with my pliers) and it STILL wouldn't come out, because the bottom edge of the old glass was stuck to the petrified old silicone o-ring, ROFL! I was using tweezers and needle nose pliers to get all the bits out. And luckily for me, I had some replacement o-rings, because it needed some. But it's all fixed up now, good as new, full of juice, on my ancient Evic mini mod (I think that's what it is, it's so old I can't remember anymore), and I'm vaping it. Happy days. Time for a cocktail. :vino:

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