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I got me a warning at work today. Sucks...


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Earlier this morning, I popped into my company doctors' office. They have this lobby in which they've peppered brochures promoting tobacco cessacion interviews and products - state-sponsored, and printed by Big Pharma. I figured I'd leave a few pamphlets of my own - namely a few brochures in French from Aiduce entitled "I've heard that... Preconceptions about the electronic cigarette or personal vaporizer"

Well, it didn't take long: by mid-afternoon, I got a call from HR asking me if I was the one who left that literature. I said yes, and they informed me that I'd be getting an official warning for giving unauthorized medical advice inside the company.

Bunch of fuckheads...


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i got my first warning yesterday... i went outside to enjoy the beautiful canadian weather (25degs C and sunny... i know i know it doesn't sound that great.. but its been in and around the "freeze your ding dong" off temps for the last 5 months.. so i think that warrants some gloating), and as soon as i stepped outside, i take a medium sized pull on the vape. Needless to say the cloud was decent sized. I figured i'd enjoy the weather and take a lil stroll around the parking lot while i vaped. A security guard came running towards me within a minute of my first cloud and he tries to tell me that i should be smoking in the smoking pit ONLY.

i tried to explain that i wasn't smoking, nor was i responsible for the hundreds of cancer stick butts left on the ground.. but with his yellow stained teeth and old tobacco smelling breath, he wasn't having any of it. He literally followed me as I vaped and walked towards the smoking pit (to make things worse.. the ash can was burning and the smell of old burning cigarette butts filled the air). He told me that I was only allowed to vape in the pit and if he saw me puffing clouds anywhere else he would write me up. I told him to shove it where the sun don't shine and went on with my day.

i figure until vaping rules become more regulated, i'll just vape huge clouds at home or in the car.. and just stealth vape at the office... #voopingisart lol

thanks for letting me vent my frustration!
have a good one!


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i vape at work and i work alone but people keep posting no smoking signs in my workplace even one that says " no smoking - including e cigs" well i dont smoke a electronic cigarette i smoke a mechanical mod so i ignore it lol.

Teresa P

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Fortunately they're pretty cool about it at my work. I usually go back to the break table and they all have sense enough to know what it is and know they don't smell it. Anyone who asks questions get educated answers from me and at least three others have asked me to help them with gear and are trying to quit. I make juices for them too. I just don't do it in the dining room around customers.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the only reason people are so offended is because they're pissed off that we've found a way to enjoy our nicotine that does no harm to others. We didn't "behave" and do as we were told and just quit like they wanted us to. We didn't invest a massive amount of money in Big Pharma's pills and potions in order to become Stepfords and good little sheep. It's a very communistic approach that angers me to the core.
And they can all kiss my ass......


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Fortunately they're pretty cool about it at my work. I usually go back to the break table and they all have sense enough to know what it is and know they don't smell it. Anyone who asks questions get educated answers from me and at least three others have asked me to help them with gear and are trying to quit. I make juices for them too. I just don't do it in the dining room around customers.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - the only reason people are so offended is because they're pissed off that we've found a way to enjoy our nicotine that does no harm to others. We didn't "behave" and do as we were told and just quit like they wanted us to. We didn't invest a massive amount of money in Big Pharma's pills and potions in order to become Stepfords and good little sheep. It's a very communistic approach that angers me to the core.
And they can all kiss my ass......
There is soooooo much truth to that on soooo many levels....there pissed we created something without the aid of the goverment,the experts,bankers,or corporations.....they're pissed a bunch of small individuals built an industry by just being free thinking creative individuals.We lifted our selves from a statistic to a human being. They hate us because we think,and because we like to think.


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Wow a doctor at a workplace... unheard of in these parts.

Doctor*S* too :) There's two of them. I work for a big company that deals with dangerous machines.

I'll be up here vaping if someone want to come up and talk about it. :D

Hmm, I wish my office had as few walls as yours does. On the flip side, if I drop my mod, my office floor is less far down :)

Hey! it's just Ray...

Silver Contributor
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No you're doing it right Giraut. After highschool mom said...

"Don't you want to work in a nice office and drive sports cars to work in nice suits?"

I said "No I wanna take my shirt off and work outside and drive four wheel drive trucks."

I wish I could take it back sometimes...

Flik Flak

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I didn't get a warning, but our workplace policy on smoking has changed because I dared vape at work! I am now only able to vape in specified SMOKING areas.
I'm thinking I'm going to get 'I don't fucking smoke' tattooed on my forehead.

Larry J

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Let's face it, folks. The general public (including HR and bosses) views vaping in the same way they view smoking. Insisting on vaping where smoking is not allowed just hurts our cause. One of these days there will have been enough education about vaping that this view will change, but until then trying to vape in no-smoking zones simply makes us look rude and inconsiderate. We need to live with the current reality, at least until that changes.


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I'm kinda torn over this workplace vaping thing. One side of me says "I'm not smoking, so eff off" while the other side says "don't push it..." While I'm far from the conformist, I tend to go towards the latter advice, simply because the public at large still considers a mod just one step away from shooting up. Just be sensible about it, guys- and don't push an issue that can get you canned. Right or wrong, there's nothing to prove once that's done.


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My school was trying to outlaw vaping, but failed, so I was vaping as usual on campus. Passing by, this Janitor asks how my day was, and then tells me to smoke in the smoke only areas. I take another hit, seeing as they were NOT outlawed in my JC, and then several days later, I see his mother flippin' b**** a** vaping on campus.



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People are ignorant on vaping and the big clouds make them think it's something bad. I was vaping in a casino and was run down by security. They said vaping was allowed but the cloud my mod was making wasn't allowed lol. Then I was walking in public and blew a cloud. The lady coming toward me walked through it waving her hands in the air like it was a gas attack ! They just don't know enough yet. Strange Government knows enough about it to see it's digging into their pockets and that they can line their pockets with vape taxes. I once saw a bumper sticker it said "Don't steal the government doesn't like competition" How true it is !


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People are ignorant on vaping and the big clouds make them think it's something bad. I was vaping in a casino and was run down by security. They said vaping was allowed but the cloud my mod was making wasn't allowed lol. Then I was walking in public and blew a cloud. The lady coming toward me walked through it waving her hands in the air like it was a gas attack ! They just don't know enough yet. Strange Government knows enough about it to see it's digging into their pockets and that they can line their pockets with vape taxes. I once saw a bumper sticker it said "Don't steal the government doesn't like competition" How true it is !

Flip side of that is that many vapers are quite ignorant as well, pushing the envelope in areas and around people who could give a rats ass if vaping is banned or taxed out of proportion.


Excellence In Service
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Well the casino was a smoking area and the outside was on a huge sidewalk that wasn't crowded. I'm usually pretty considerate when vaping knowing that most people look at you strange because they're not sure what your doing or if it's something else of some sort. Can't help that I like vaping and have a little more than an electronic ciggarette. You'd be surprised how many people aren't even sure what your doing. Espescially older people who are used to seeing camel or lucky strike ciggarettes. I've also found that when you do talk to people and explain what it is they are pretty amazed and positive about it.

Flik Flak

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I'm kinda torn over this workplace vaping thing. One side of me says "I'm not smoking, so eff off" while the other side says "don't push it..." While I'm far from the conformist, I tend to go towards the latter advice, simply because the public at large still considers a mod just one step away from shooting up. Just be sensible about it, guys- and don't push an issue that can get you canned. Right or wrong, there's nothing to prove once that's done.

I fought hard. I understand not vaping around people that don't smoke OR vape, tbh that's just manners, but I do not understand why work places are happy to protect pure non smokers, but not ex smokers or people that have chosen a smarter alternative, like vaping.

We are not smoking, we are vaping. From what I've read any nicotine particles we may exhale are too big for others to inhale. And what if you're using 0mg nicotine juice? Is it really any more dangerous to other people than say an asthma spray?

I was also told they were worried that the 'equipment' I was using might be dangerous and malfunction. I honestly felt like telling the HR idiot to get a clue.

It really pissed me off.


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When I'm at work I vaped in the restroom I blow it to the vent, lol, I don't like vaping in the smoking area because of the smell....

Flik Flak

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Haha I take mine to the restroom too, I think I even giggle quietly as I exhale thinking, 'cop that suckers!'

Yeah I only smoke in the 'designated' smoking areas if no one else is there.


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You live in france?

No, right now I live in Belgium. It's kind of like France, but people here work more and bitch less :)

No you're doing it right Giraut. After highschool mom said...

"Don't you want to work in a nice office and drive sports cars to work in nice suits?"

I said "No I wanna take my shirt off and work outside and drive four wheel drive trucks."

I wish I could take it back sometimes...

I hear ya.

I don't regret any of my career choices. But bland walls in an air-conditioned office for 8 hours a day every day get old pretty quickly. Having said that, I'm not complaining because when I want fresh air and do outdoorsy things, I have the option of doing it when I decide to outside work hours - which is a luxury people who have to work outside for a living don't have, sadly.


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I work 3 times a week, you all already know what i do when I'm off... Vape on


`Vape It All Up!!!!!!
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How about my gf got busted today for vaping 0 nic in the parking lot in her vehicle on lunch. Apparently it violates the company rules about smoking on premises. BUT the two other people who were actually smoking cigs were never spoken too. What kind of fucking bs is that. I told her since it's a medical oriented company to test the fucking mod. Coil. Battery, tank whatever and then prove what part of the rule was broken other than being discriminated against for being an ex smoker. Sorry for the rant but that just simply pissed me off
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Hey! it's just Ray...

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I'm having a hell of a time convincing people we've found a healthy alternative for quiting smoking.

Let me get the bugs worked out on that and then I'll see what I can do to help us vape wherever we want.


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How about my gf got busted today for vaping 0 nic in the parking lot in her vehicle on lunch. Apparently it violates the company rules about smoking on premises.[...]

I betcha anything she could sue them for that: for one thing, she was in her vehicle (which is private property as far as I understand it, wherever it may be parked), and in any case, it wasn't smoking - especially with no-nic juice. My interpretation of the event you describe is that she was inhaling a cocktail of glycerin, propylene glycol and food flavoring inside her own property, which is no more illegal than burning incense in her car.

Hey! it's just Ray...

Silver Contributor
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I betcha anything she could sue them for that: for one thing, she was in her vehicle (which is private property as far as I understand it, wherever it may be parked), and in any case, it wasn't smoking - especially with no-nic juice. My interpretation of the event you describe is that she was inhaling a cocktail of glycerin, propylene glycol and food flavoring inside her own property, which is no more illegal than burning incense in her car.
Yeah the car thing is about chicken shit.


`Vape It All Up!!!!!!
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I betcha anything she could sue them for that: for one thing, she was in her vehicle (which is private property as far as I understand it, wherever it may be parked), and in any case, it wasn't smoking - especially with no-nic juice. My interpretation of the event you describe is that she was inhaling a cocktail of glycerin, propylene glycol and food flavoring inside her own property, which is no more illegal than burning incense in her car.
Apparently the employer states their rules say no smoking on company premises including your vehicle blah blah blah... But in reality, since there is no nicotine etc, they have no basis for their claim. What really pissed me off is the fact that others do smoke but yet are never spoken too. Seems like a witch hunt to me or they saw some big clouds coming out of the window and since they dont ask and only assume what it is. Again assuming makes an ass out of them


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. From what I've read any nicotine particles we may exhale are too big for others to inhale.

That is just plain wrong wrong wrong...I know because my wife (who vapes 0mg), cannot be in the same room as me vaping mine with nicotine. If I overdue it enough, even being in different rooms is not enough. Did I measure the nicotine in the vapor? nope, but seeing as that is the only difference between hers and mine, I don't have to in order to know that my vape should not be what other people are subjected to. besides, you think nicotine molecules grow in size after being in your lungs? I can't even fathom where that statement makes sense on any level.

Flik Flak

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That is just plain wrong wrong wrong...I know because my wife (who vapes 0mg), cannot be in the same room as me vaping mine with nicotine. If I overdue it enough, even being in different rooms is not enough. Did I measure the nicotine in the vapor? nope, but seeing as that is the only difference between hers and mine, I don't have to in order to know that my vape should not be what other people are subjected to. besides, you think nicotine molecules grow in size after being in your lungs? I can't even fathom where that statement makes sense on any level.

I read it on the internet so it must be true. If I can find the article again, I will link it here.

I thought it was in an article < here but can't find it. Good site anyway.
I shall keep looking.
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I read it on the internet so it must be true. If I can find the article again, I will link it here.

I thought it was in an article < here but can't find it. Good site anyway.
I shall keep looking.
the reason not as much nicotine is inhaled second hand has nothing to do with the molecules which btw the only way they can grow is to add elements making it something other than nicotine. is that your body absorbs a portion of it and then it is dispersed into the air where any second hand smoke is severely diluted by the outside air. nothing to do with chemistry just good old watering down so to speak.


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Not Sure

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i vape at work and i work alone but people keep posting no smoking signs in my workplace even one that says " no smoking - including e cigs" well i dont smoke a electronic cigarette i smoke a mechanical mod so i ignore it lol.
hell yeah man!! i vape a reg'd box and rta, so id ignore it too since it doesnt pertain to us lol


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I read it on the internet so it must be true. If I can find the article again, I will link it here.

I thought it was in an article < here but can't find it. Good site anyway.
I shall keep looking.

It was the Drexel study. Negligible amount of nicotine are aerosolized (you probably get more from eating tomatoes!) (you can download and read the pdf from this link)


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From my understanding we exhale about 3% of the nicotine in our exhale. I'm not a scientist and could be wrong- but I don't think it can be more harmful than second hand smoke!

I asked my local guy one time because I was babysitting and he has kids. Obviously he says not to blow it in their face but just exhaling it shouldn't be as detrimental as smoking inside or the second hand from our clothes after smoking outside


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I was vaping for about 3-4 months in my office, huge clouds made the place smell like blueberry cupcakes and everyone loved the smell and didn't have a care in the world about it......then one day last week the office manager said that "someone" seen me smoking my ecig inside.... I said Yea I "vape" in my office. She looked right at me and said you have to do that out side smoking is smoking to me,and someone complained it stunk like cigarettes downstairs I told her I'm was vaping blueberry cupcakes,and she rolled her eyes and said whatever.... OK I'm a private security officer... She is not even my boss or in any way over me at all.pissed my slap the fuck day stealth vaping flavorless VG only 8 nic in it .......took two vapes and my phone office phone rang ...she said she got another complaint about the smell of my ecig again and told me to stop being immature and just go outside and smoke at the pit or she would call my field officer and tell him I was smoking in my office..... The fuck is wrong with people???!!!???


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i got my field supervisor hooked on vaping lol so let them call


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i got my field supervisor hooked on vaping lol so let them call
Lucky you my field supervisor is straight edge ex army. Now I'm in the NG but I drink every now and again. But he acts like he is still in.


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worst security is always ex army and ex police think they are gods


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worst security is always ex army and ex police think they are gods
Yea he does he even has three extra mags on his duty belt .......we only have to carry one,and he has custom vinyl on his car of our security company.


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I love working in construction as a subcontractor. Hypothetically speaking, I could walk up to whichever head honcho is running the place, tell him point blank to eat a bag of dicks, and I would literally face zero repercussions. Worst case scenario, they throw me off site, I make a phone call, and go make a couple hundred bucks at a different location.

Then again, I'm good at what I do and am well respected in the industry. All of the contractors I take jobs from know me, like me, appreciate all of my hard work, and they know I'm generally willing to bend over backwards to get the job done right while keeping their clients happy. Occasionally though, I'll run into a site super or CSO who has their balls and brains confused, thinking that their title and salary allow them to treat me like dogshit.... And occasionally I'll tell them to eat a bag of dicks.

Its construction, it happens. :)

Spent the first half of my life in a shirt and tie, stuck in an office, and I'm never going back.


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I hate people with there noses in the clouds(not vaper clouds) get the idea....I hope

Barbara E.

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It's funny (not funny haha, but funny odd) how different companies treat vaping. Many (too many) treat it just like smoking, including the extra cost on health insurance. Others specify where you can vape but treat it insurance-wise as non-smoking. I even have several customers whose employers treat it as a quit-smoking device and not only give them the non-smoking rate on health insurance but will pay for (at least some percentage of) their device.

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