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I heard ecig are going to start being regulated?


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Read an article that there are going to be all kinds of new laws on how ecigs are manufactured and going to be restricted in terms of what you can actually do to it. Anyone know any facts on this topic?


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Read an article that there are going to be all kinds of new laws on how ecigs are manufactured and going to be restricted in terms of what you can actually do to it. Anyone know any facts on this topic?
It will happen federally before too long. But one example is NC is now imposing a tax on ALL nicotine products. Hope for the best prepare for the worse...


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It could be anywhere from things like age restrictions, to labeling requirements, to an all out ban (and, of course, anything in between). Just depends on what the FDA does and what the various states do. So far, I've been lucky in that my state has only passed laws that legally defined them as a new product category (they legally defined it as vaping products - as opposed to lumping it in with tobacco) and have passed an age restriction on sales/possession. I say, "lucky", where it was actually because of vaping retailers and consumers who heavily lobbied state government and convinced our state govt. officials to not do what big tobacco, American Heart Assoc, and others wanted them to do and to instead use some common sense.

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