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I need to get this off my chest.


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I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm not mad so it wouldn't go in the "you mad bro?" section. Anyways I get a 3 ton boulder on my shoulders and I need to take it off and hopefully get some input. I'm not sure if I said it anywhere last year, but June 28th, 2015 my brother Michael passed away. The autopsy said he had an inflamed heart. He would drink lots of monster and red bull. So I believe that's the case. The date is coming up in a could days and I still think about him every day. I sometimes go to his grave, sit down, rub the dirt off his stone, and think of him. He was a few years older than me. One thing I'll never forget about him was his laugh. He had a Mickey Mouse type of laugh. It'd always crack me up every time I heard it. I can replay his laugh over and over again. I wear a dog tag that has a picture of him on it. The back has a quote that says "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal" After he died, my other brother and I heard the song "See you again" by Wiz Khalifa. Let me tell you, that was Mike showing us that song. We both got teary after hearing it since it was relatable. Also, at his funeral I didn't go since I got really sick, so I don't feel like I got to properly say goodbye. Rant over.


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Member For 4 Years
I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm not mad so it wouldn't go in the "you mad bro?" section. Anyways I get a 3 ton boulder on my shoulders and I need to take it off and hopefully get some input. I'm not sure if I said it anywhere last year, but June 28th, 2015 my brother Michael passed away. The autopsy said he had an inflamed heart. He would drink lots of monster and red bull. So I believe that's the case. The date is coming up in a could days and I still think about him every day. I sometimes go to his grave, sit down, rub the dirt off his stone, and think of him. He was a few years older than me. One thing I'll never forget about him was his laugh. He had a Mickey Mouse type of laugh. It'd always crack me up every time I heard it. I can replay his laugh over and over again. I wear a dog tag that has a picture of him on it. The back has a quote that says "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal" After he died, my other brother and I heard the song "See you again" by Wiz Khalifa. Let me tell you, that was Mike showing us that song. We both got teary after hearing it since it was relatable. Also, at his funeral I didn't go since I got really sick, so I don't feel like I got to properly say goodbye. Rant over.
That's not rant its love. Check out Whiskey's Corner.


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I wasn't sure where to post this. I'm not mad so it wouldn't go in the "you mad bro?" section. Anyways I get a 3 ton boulder on my shoulders and I need to take it off and hopefully get some input. I'm not sure if I said it anywhere last year, but June 28th, 2015 my brother Michael passed away. The autopsy said he had an inflamed heart. He would drink lots of monster and red bull. So I believe that's the case. The date is coming up in a could days and I still think about him every day. I sometimes go to his grave, sit down, rub the dirt off his stone, and think of him. He was a few years older than me. One thing I'll never forget about him was his laugh. He had a Mickey Mouse type of laugh. It'd always crack me up every time I heard it. I can replay his laugh over and over again. I wear a dog tag that has a picture of him on it. The back has a quote that says "Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal" After he died, my other brother and I heard the song "See you again" by Wiz Khalifa. Let me tell you, that was Mike showing us that song. We both got teary after hearing it since it was relatable. Also, at his funeral I didn't go since I got really sick, so I don't feel like I got to properly say goodbye. Rant over.
I am so sorry for your loss. :hug::hug:


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Whats so startling is that my hubby's brother, also named Michael, passed with the same issues, and he was a fan of cardinals, and wouldn't you know it every once in a while one will come around and get close, like on a porch railing, mirror of our car...and we just know it's him saying hello or laughing at us. like a little part of him still here hanging out with us once in a while. Big hugs Creeperfan<3


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As everyone has said you are not ranting. You are telling us about your sorrow following the loss of your beloved brother; who's first year anniversary will be soon. Don't feel bad that you could not attend his funeral. There are many ways and times to say goodbye in person and in spirit. l believe that you have found them. You are now rembering all the good times and those little things that made your brother your brother and the unique person he was.
Those that have passed have many ways of letting us know that they are OK and are watching over us.
It is normal and healthy to talk about how and what you are feeling and has you can see there are many people who are happy to listen. That 3 ton boulder on your shoulders will get lighter over time.
Take care and all the best.


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Letting it out and off your shoulders is one way of healing. Moving a step forward at a time, doesn't mean you let go of the love you felt for someone. As Robert said, you don't forget. I used to think that trying to grieve my parents would make me forget them, but it only brings the better memories. I know I'll always miss them, even at my age it's very tough some days. Grieving is truly painful, but hurt brings healing. All of it's love.



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My deepest condolences my friend. I can't say that I know the loss of a sibling though it felt like I lost a sister when my best friend died. So, I guess in a way I do understand. You have friends here that are always willing to listen. I have to add yet another invitation to Whiskey's Corner. I myself have only been there a short time but they welcomed me with open arms as family. A good place to be in the good times and in the times not so. I still think of my dear friend every day, you will never forget, but you will be amazed the things you will remember and smile at. Sometimes the things that used to annoy the crap out of you will make you laugh when you remember them. Come see us in the Corner. You are among friends.

P.S. Sorry how disorganized this post was. My thoughts came in so random as I wrote this LOL

I'm not crazy, my mother had me tested.

Robert B

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Member For 4 Years
This little song written in 1924 by Gus Kahn & Isham Jones, says it all. Played here by Joe Brown. See you in my Dreams



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Thanks everyone for the support. Really needed it. I'll be sure to pop in Whiskey's Corner. Expect to see me there!

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