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iclear30: vapor trapped inside tank


This is a weird problem because it doesn't really affect anything, vapor output, taste, draw, etc... but I don't know why it happens and wonder if I'm alone. When I use the iclear30 (on a voltage of about 4-4.3) sometimes I take a draw and when I'm done I see vapor trapped in the tank... I still exhale plenty of vapor but sometimes there is so much in there you can't even see through it.

At this point I only have two working batteries and one is really weak, when I use that one it never happens. When I use the "good" one at voltage mentioned above this happens half the time.... like I said it doesn't even affect anything, just insanely curious as to why it happens and if anyone else has had it happen?


Mike H.

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Possibly a slight leak in the top seal..i just got one a week ago as a gift...nice tank.

Try a new coil and see if that helps...Make sure your drip tip is screwed on tight as well.


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
@Shawnna @Mike H. Is correct on that iClear30. on the coil there is a little rubber piece that comes to a point and has a little hole in it. That is supposed to make a seal with the bottom of the top cap when the top cap is screwed all the way down. You should be able to push air through or pull air through, and no vapor should ever enter that tank. Either the rubber piece is missing, is not aligned properly, is pushed down to far, or something along those lines. I'd recommend taking it all apart, and putting it back together and see if that works. Otherwise get yourself a new coil, and be sure that the top cap with drip tip is on all the way, and that shouldn't happen anymore. Let us know if you get it figured out...good luck.

Mike H.

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To clarify a little...the drip tip is what seals the top of the tank...the top cap is open on all sides ,so the coils seal does not seal to the top cap at all..just the drip tip when screwed all the way in properly...Make sure the drip tip is screwed all the way inside the top cap and as mentioned above ,that the top cap is screwed all the way down...if it still leaks vapor replace the entire coil because the rubber seal is damaged or defective on the one you have now....or possibly a defective drip tip that is too short to properly seal..(maybe damage to the flat side surface at the bottom).
Thank you guys! Since it didn't affect anything I continued to use the coil until I needed a new one, (happen to have 10 on hand so replaced it a little sooner) ... and it's not doing it anymore. So yes I think an issue with the rubber piece and proper sealing was the problem. I guess I have to make sure I do everything I can to determine it's on properly, but I think sometimes I just get a bum coil. Or I coulda done something wrong, don't know, lol.

Thanks Again!

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