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Ideas for a twisted messes RDA


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I recently got a twisted messes RDA and I am currently doing a dual 24g N80 10 wrap on a 2.5mm bit and I need ideas for other N80 builds. Between 0.15 and 0.3 ohm is what I'm looking for and preferably something that isn't too complex to build. Can anyone help?


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I sort of stick with complex, sorry.

Can u do a Clapton?
Stage it with 24g ni80


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I kno it will fit 20g claptoned with 24 with no problem and still have room im the postholes.........i was just curious way to long ramp up time and way too hot once it got there lol

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24g n80 has pretty low resistance, not too much you can do with it unless you clapton or want to go lower. What other wire do you have?


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I like claptons on my twisted mess, but one coil is always firing slightly faster than the other, Its driving me insane.
But great airflow control and wonderful even with simple 5 wrap of both 24 and 26 dual coil and even single coils. Still for some reason I can't get even firing on dual coils.
I would check your leads going to the post even a millimeter difference cab cause the ramp up times to be off my favorite build in the twisted messes is 28g twisted write paired with 24 single the single speeds up the ramp time and the twisted keeps the temp down to get a nice even mid temp vape good for short hits it deep lung pulls
I like claptons on my twisted mess, but one coil is always firing slightly faster than the other, Its driving me insane.
But great airflow control and wonderful even with simple 5 wrap of both 24 and 26 dual coil and even single coils. Still for some reason I can't get even firing on dual coils.
I recently got a Twisted Messes after using a Velocity for about 2 months and I'm having a heck of a time building. The deck is alot smaller and the position of the posts make my coils off center. Anyone have tips on getting centered coils? I'm using 28 gauge, and I build anywhere between .8-1.0 ohms.

So far, I've built a 1.0 ohm Clapton, and it's just not delivering...
I usually keep my negative legs slightly longer and try to push the coil towards the center of the deck the 4 post design helps with centering issues especially over a 3 post design. As far as your build I usually stay within .4-.7 ohms ten wraps of dual fused Clapton (32g over twin 28g strands)comes out to ~.5 and chucks vapor has a little lengthy ramp up time but allows me good deep hits without burning or hot vapor. try using a coil calculator app it just input your wire and the resistance you want and will give you a recommended coil for your build. It really helps me with build ideas and is a great tool for any range of experience
I recently got a Twisted Messes after using a Velocity for about 2 months and I'm having a heck of a time building. The deck is alot smaller and the position of the posts make my coils off center. Anyone have tips on getting centered coils? I'm using 28 gauge, and I build anywhere between .8-1.0 ohms.

So far, I've built a 1.0 ohm Clapton, and it's just not delivering...


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So two different coils, hmm that sounds very interesting. I am going to have to try that.
I would check your leads going to the post even a millimeter difference cab cause the ramp up times to be off my favorite build in the twisted messes is 28g twisted write paired with 24 single the single speeds up the ramp time and the twisted keeps the temp down to get a nice even mid temp vape good for short hits it deep lung pulls


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My go to is a dual 24g Clapton with 34g. All kanthal- no issues with ramp and ohms out to .2 nine times out of ten. To center it I leave my leads longer and position it before I tighten everything down. Sometimes I bend the leads (really great YouTube video on this and lots of helpful install tips on a different video made by squidoode)

Also I have the issue of it not heating evenly sometimes but at 100w (I like a warm warm vape) it's never been an issue. Clouds and flavor galore.

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