Soo, it's my birthday in a few days, and the last digit is rolling back to zero. My s.o. announced me today that she's decided to buy me a nice new mod - only it won't arrive in the mail in time, hence her telling me. Apparently she got me a DNA40 Vaporflask, a Manta RDA and a bunch of NI200 wire.
Amazing really, considering she doesn't vape, knows (or rather knew) nothing about it, and basically has to bear with the mess of vaping stuff I make on the coffee table more than anything else. At least I remember telling her about the Vaporflask - and it's incredimazing price. But the Manta RDA, I hadn't even heard ot it. She did the research on the internet all on her own. She did well too, apparently! Still, 125 euros for a friggin' dripper - *GASP*!!
Anyhow, all that stuff is on its way to our mailbox, thanks to the missus. Now I have to think of a way to thank her. Or several
Amazing really, considering she doesn't vape, knows (or rather knew) nothing about it, and basically has to bear with the mess of vaping stuff I make on the coffee table more than anything else. At least I remember telling her about the Vaporflask - and it's incredimazing price. But the Manta RDA, I hadn't even heard ot it. She did the research on the internet all on her own. She did well too, apparently! Still, 125 euros for a friggin' dripper - *GASP*!!
Anyhow, all that stuff is on its way to our mailbox, thanks to the missus. Now I have to think of a way to thank her. Or several