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I'm about to vape my first non-Chinese hardware


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Soo, it's my birthday in a few days, and the last digit is rolling back to zero. My s.o. announced me today that she's decided to buy me a nice new mod - only it won't arrive in the mail in time, hence her telling me. Apparently she got me a DNA40 Vaporflask, a Manta RDA and a bunch of NI200 wire.

Amazing really, considering she doesn't vape, knows (or rather knew) nothing about it, and basically has to bear with the mess of vaping stuff I make on the coffee table more than anything else. At least I remember telling her about the Vaporflask - and it's incredimazing price. But the Manta RDA, I hadn't even heard ot it. She did the research on the internet all on her own. She did well too, apparently! Still, 125 euros for a friggin' dripper - *GASP*!!

Anyhow, all that stuff is on its way to our mailbox, thanks to the missus. Now I have to think of a way to thank her. Or several ;)

Eric DeCastro

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I have vaped non-Chinese clones (authentic) and it hit me, the vape is exactly the same. go figure. It's all about durability. how long will it last. regulated devices I can only assume will (should) last longer than the clone copies but that remains to be seen. Happy Birthday BTW. I'm 38 and the other day I forgot how old I was. HAHAHA


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Well, Chinese stuff has been good to me so far. I've been intrigued by the DNA40 chipset since it came out, but to be honest, I was waiting for the Chinese clone. As for my current craptastic Chinese toppers, they work well, so why change eh?

I guess in a little while I'll be able to tell people how much nicer authentics are :) J/k... I do expect a little better machining and finishing, but I don't see how it'll perform any better than my current stuff.


Will write reviews for Beer!
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Happy Birthday and enjoy your incredible gifts!


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Happy Birthday. ;<))


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I have vaped non-Chinese clones (authentic) and it hit me, the vape is exactly the same. go figure.

The Manta v2 RDA arrived in the mail today. It came in a small cordura pouch with 3 airflow rings made of 3 different metals. I've just tried it on my regular mod with my usual kanthal-and-silica setup. And... it performs exactly like a good Chinese RDA. No worse, no better. I suppose there are only so many different levels of performance you can get out of a simple device that's designed to heat a piece of metal wire.

Really, the more hardware I try, and the more experience I gain in the vaping world, the more I tend to think Busardo, RP, Todd and all the other Youtube serial video makers are full of it when they review something and look like they're having an orgasm at each toke. Me, I've yet to try something so remarkable that it makes me spontaneously look the way they do in their videos.

So anyhow, at least for this RDA, here are the benefits of going authentic:

- Fantastic airflow with reduced leaking (yes, it does leak too if you overfill it, like all the others). But that's just the design of the thing: any clone made with vertical air ducts would work just as well. Only there aren't any. The Manta is the only game in town if you're into that sort of thing. So in this case, authentic is better because there are no equivalent designs out of China.

- 3 rings of different colors. Meh, I don't care about colors. One would have been enough for me. But if aesthetics matter to you, then yeah, the authentic is better.

- Cordura pouch. Same thing: nice touch, but I don't need it for a nice vape. It'll just crowd by vape box for a while until I lose it eventually.

So I'm very happy with the Manta RDA v2, but if I had to buy it myself, I'd be a lot happier with a Chinese clone that's ten times cheaper. I guess what I'm saying is, it's good, but nowhere near worth the money. I can't say that to the missus though :)


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Congrats on your new toys, and kudos to your wife for shelling out for some nice authentics for you.

They may vape the same as clones, but what the heck; it's the difference between her buying you a Timex, and a Rolex. They both tell time equally well, but..

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That's a great analogy for vape gear since the point is exactly that; they will both do what they are supposed to do, deliver a current or heat up a wire.

But like everything else, perception of quality, branding, features, as well as the choices, costs, value; then add to that user skill and experience, this definitely makes vaping an interesting hobby for some, and a confusing as hell smoking alternative for others ;)


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What draws me to the Unicorns that I have is not the country of manufacture....or the price....or the exclusivity or serial numbers....but the fact that I shook the hands of the people that designed and made them. To me that is what makes them special. Keep in mind that fine Chinese metal sits atop them all...with a few exceptions.


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I finally got the Vaporflask today at the post office. I inserted the batteries, screwed on the atty, threaded some cotton in it, set the temp 420 degrees, and... it just worked. Great flavor, decent vapor, decent vapor warmth: very satisfying vape.

But mostly, the temp protection feature is just fabulous: no more dry hits, no more burnt cotton. When the juice runs out, the flavor simply fades away gracefully. I can take massive lung hits confidently, regardless of the charge in the atty. The pre-heat feature is great, the atomizer spits cheerfully on my tongue and doesn't stop doing it after 5 minutes. Wow! Just wow! I don't know how I've been able to vape without this before.

I can honestly say there has been zero learning curve for me with the DNA40: I find nickel wire easier to build than Kanthal, and it just works out of the box. Today I can honestly say it's the first time since I've started vaping that I have a real Rip Tripper expression on my face.


EDIT: on the minus side, all sets of 18650 batteries I have didn't fit, save for an old set of Panasonic batts that are quite spent. Vaporflask really needs to widen these battery slots :(


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Have you tried Samsung 25R's? That's all I use now, and it would be a bummer if they didn't fit

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Have you tried Samsung 25R's? That's all I use now, and it would be a bummer if they didn't fit

Here are some models / diameters / fits that I tried:

* Panasonic NCR18650PF
- Diameter at the + side: 18.26 mm
- Diemeter at the - side: 18.23 mm
- Fit: perfect, slides in freely without play.

* Samsung ICR28650-26F
- Diameter at the + side: 18.36 mm
- Diameter at the - side: 18.30 mm
- Fit: no go on the +. The - side slides in but not freely (interference). I believe careful sanding of the wrapper where it binds (without going through it) would let the battery slide freely though.

* Panasonic NCR18650B
- Diameter at the + side: 18.40 mm
- Diameter at the - side: 18.32 mm
- Fit: no go.

* LG ICR18650HE2 (aka Purple Efest 18650 2500 mAh)
- Diameter at the + side: 18.39 mm
- Diameter at the - side: 18.33 mm
- Fit: no go.

I don't have a Samsung 25R, but I wouldn't infer anything from the 26F I have: even close cousins like the aforementioned Panasonics aren't even remotely similar. I've tried other batteries too, but I haven't measured them, and I've put them neatly away now so I'm not all that keen to go through my box again to do that :) But basically, the idea is that the Vaporflask's battery compartments are exactly 18.30 mm in diameter, and anything battery above 18.28 mm will be a PITA at best.

This is a problem entirely created by Vaporflask that doesn't need to exist, as the 18650 battery specs say the maximum diameter is 18.60 mm. They should've machined battery compartments with a diameter of 18.70 mm, and let people who don't like rattling batteries stick tape on the side. Remember: it's always possible to take up free play, but it's never possible to create it when it's missing.


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Thanks for all the detailed info

Really a dumb move on their part; as the VTC's were already getting scarce when the V2 flask was released

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@ButtKickers: if you read the comments in this video, one guy says his Samsung 25R batteries do not fit, while another guy replies his do. I suppose it means the actual cell under the wrapper isn't always the same and is liable to change from one batch to the next, or the manufacturing tolerances can be pretty lax, even for a single model of batteries.


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OR, the thickness of the wrapper is inconsistent; which is more likely, since it IS shrinkwrap

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Hmm, the Manta v2 RDA clone is here already: only $14.55 with a nice drip tip, as opposed to $140 for the real think without a drip tip. That's more like it.

When them Chinese clone the DNA40 chip, I'll get me a cloned mod and a cloned Manta v2 to go with it. Then I'll be able to compare exactly authentic vs cloned :)


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So, a month on, and the O-rings in my overpriced Manta v2 atomizer are self-destructing. And good luck finding that size, because hey, why use standard sizes when you can use odd ones eh?

I can't claim I have a huge amount of experience with authentics, but so far I'd say:

- My Vaporflask is nicer on the outside, but less well designed on the inside than comparable Chinese mods I own, and 3.5x more expensive in the most favorable case.

- My Manta v2 RDA is no nicer on the outside, and rather less durable than most Chinese atomizers I own, and 5 to 10x more expensive.

In short: fuck authentics.


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Well, different strokes for different folks I guess. I had a few VERY nice clones (ehpro KFL+, Cartel and Magma) but most were shitty clones that were either supposed to be 304 SS but actually just plated monkey metal, and/or just poor QC all around.

Here's a look at the guts of an "improved" Chana mod:


Granted, the original Hana Modz is also a mess of hot glue, but Chana-Mods took this to a whole new level. The battery housing looks like someone thought it would be easier to trim by chewing it off.


Soldered connections are as janky as can be and the 510 connection is crooked making anything you mount on it look like the leaning tower of Pisa ;)



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In short: fuck authentics.

My mileage has varied. I've thrown away one Tobeco mech mod because the threads stripped and another Tobeco product that I might as well throw away because it's a piece of shit (Plume Veil clone). I have a Tugboat clone that is awesome and an authentic mod that is incredible. The other authentic stuff I have is pretty good, too.

I'll say one thing, authentic RDAs are just stupid overpriced for what they are. Doubt I'll ever buy one.

Robert B

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I'd be tempted to try a cylinder hone to slightly widen the bore of the battery tubes on the vapor flask.



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If you are looking for orings check out Type in orings in the search and you'll find anything you ever need oring wise. You will want buna but you could change it up since they are static contacts for the most part. Meaning there is no constant contact or friction between them.

I play paintball so I always have orings. I guess that's a benefit lol

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Maybe I'm very good at choosing good Chinese hardware :)

Honestly, I have quite a few mods, and the only truly disappointing one was my S-Body S-CA1 squonker - not due to its design, but due to shoddy manufacturing. All the other mods I have have been rock solid, durable, and I use them all regularly.

As for toppers, I'm not overly impressed by the Igo-W4's flavor rendition, or the Mini A7's resistance to acidic juices over time. Other than that, all my Chinese toppers have been good to me, and certainly haven't failed me the way my authentic Manta v2 is currently failing me - and what's really damning is, I truly love the Manta v2. I can't wait for the Manta clones to arrive here in ole Europe, so I can resell the authentic and replace it with quasi-throwaway Chinese copies that I know will be at least as good as the real thing.

By the way, I should mention that JDTech - the makers of the Manta RDA - don't answer emails. As for Vaporflask, they do answer, but only to explain that their design faults are normal features that I shouldn't worry about. So much for the superior customer service you're supposed to get in return for paying through the nose for their products.


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If you are looking for orings check out

I'm not even sure what size it is. I've measured the remaining intact O-ring carefully, and the closest standardized size I can find in the charts is 21 mm x 19 mm x 1 mm. But I'm not convinced it's that size. I'll go to my local O-ring distributor tomorrow to try one for fit.

Thing is, if JDTech answered their emails, I would know the exact size - I asked them what it was. But since they don't, I'm SOL...


Gold Contributor
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I'd be tempted to try a cylinder hone to slightly widen the bore of the battery tubes on the vapor flask.

I don't think it's possible, because the thread's size at the crest looks perilously close to the bore of the cylinders. If you widen the bore, you'd have to widen the threaded area as well, which isn't terribly good.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I was in the same boat with o-rings for my Vapewell. The original ones ended up tearing after a week of use, the replacements sent to me by shop I bought it from were way too big, so I got an assortment of 19. 20, and 21 mm orings in .75 and 1mm. the 19mm's x 1mm were a stretch to get on, and are just about right. Something bugs me about companies that use non-standard o-rings on their attys.


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I was in the same boat with o-rings for my Vapewell. The original ones ended up tearing after a week of use, the replacements sent to me by shop I bought it from were way too big, so I got an assortment of 19. 20, and 21 mm orings in .75 and 1mm. the 19mm's x 1mm were a stretch to get on, and are just about right. Something bugs me about companies that use non-standard o-rings on their attys.
I had the same problem with my Tugboat v2 clone. Ripped an o-ring just inside of a week, and the little baggie of goodies they included didn't have o-rings that actually fit (WTF). Ended up @ Lowe's fishing for o-rings, and finally found some.


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Replying to me here, but I figured someone might be interested: I carefully sanded down the wrapper of my Purple Efest batteries (with 150-, 400- then 1000-grit sandpapers) and they fit inside the Vaporflask now. The wrappers are pretty thin now, and the batteries underneath almost show through in places, but they work A-okay.



* LG ICR18650HE2 (aka Purple Efest 18650 2500 mAh)
- Diameter at the + side: 18.39 mm
- Diameter at the - side: 18.33 mm
- Fit: no go.

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