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IN MY VIEW: Anti-Tobacco Advocates are OK With Letting Smokers Die at the Current Rate


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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In reading the article, I noticed that the the anti-smoking advocates and Dr. Glantz seem to be fine with the way the anti-smoking campaign has been progressing, never mind 400,000 preventable deaths per year. This speaks of complete and utter arrogance and an open and hostile attitude toward the very people they are supposed to be helping. Dr. Glantz's narrow mindset is shaped by the Pharmaceutical industry, this is not news with anti-smoking Physician zealots who would rather prescribe a pill or a patch and make money for themselves and their monied benefactors, Big Pharma, never mind if the pills, patches, and potions don't work. They make money off of smokers trying to quit. That's all that matters to them.

It's not a real shock to see both the Physicians and Anti-Smoking zealots with a demonstrable hatred of the people they are supposed to help. They have proven that they don't give a shit about smokers dieing, they only care about numbers and of course $$$.

No wonder why Big Pharma has to get docs to author anti-vaping messages, it's taking money away from them. They don't like competition, neither does Big Tobacco.

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