So I have 4 KFL's. One from angelcigs without afc, two EHPro KFL+ v2 with dual afc screws on the bottom and one black EHPro KFL+ v2 with a single afc screw on the bottom. The angelcigs has always been trouble free. The two dual afc EHP's were finicky but now I have the build pretty good on both. No dry hits or flooding ever. In fact one of them is about 5 tanks in on the same wick and build and still tastes and vapes great. The black one is a thorn in my side. The build is identical to the other two EHP, but it suffers from either flooding from the air hole after about half a tank, or dry hits that require primer puffs to get juice in the chamber. I have held the decks with the coil side by side and there is no difference. I have rewicked it numerous times. I'm at a loss as to why this one is giving me so much trouble.
Oh and am finally giving organic cotton balls a try. I tried them before but could never get the consistency right. Is there an easy way to get the right amount without having to pull little pieces off as you wick the coil. I remember seeing something where someone said they unrolled and cut pieces a certain size. Can't remember where I saw it.
Oh and am finally giving organic cotton balls a try. I tried them before but could never get the consistency right. Is there an easy way to get the right amount without having to pull little pieces off as you wick the coil. I remember seeing something where someone said they unrolled and cut pieces a certain size. Can't remember where I saw it.