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Invincible #119 Review


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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
Vape Media
Invincible #119 continues to be a transition into the new lives of Mark, Eve, and their new baby, Terra. Robert Kirkman creates a surprisingly grounded set of problems even in the midst of the new world his protagonists find themselves in. The new issue satisfies with a tale of a superhero turned family man whose past has come back to threaten his present.

With great powers come great responsibility. That rule doesn’t just apply to web-heads, and Kirkman seems to be using this idea for his newest arc. As Invincible tries to create a new life for himself, events transpire against him that may just get him back into action. We’ve seen heroes attempt to juggle their personal and heroic lives before, but Kirkman adds just enough twists to keep things unique. This freshness comes from having Invincible deal with the very down-to-earth growing pains of becoming a father on the very alien planet of Talescria. There’s a lot talking heads featured in this issue, which all lead to healthy steps forward for our characters, but some fans might be frustrated with the lack of any meaty action.

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