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ipv mini 2 question....


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Recently got this mod quite the upgrade from my cloupor zna clone. last week I was able to pair this with an arctic tank which is phenomenal. I am using a .2 ohm dual coil and a purple "35 amp" efest or a vamped "40 amp". The mod is set to 25 watts and getting giant clouds and tremendous flavor but the mod, battery and tank are getting pretty warm after 3 or 4 pulls. it's warm enough for me to make this post but not burning me or anything that serious. When this happens I let it sit for a bit before using again. Are there any safety concerns using this setup because I'm not looking to change it up just want to make sure I'm not holding a ticking time bomb. Thanks
ps sorry if this is posted in the wrong section.


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When my ipv mini 2 starts to get hot like that, I notice that there is a strong correlation with the battery being about half low. Pop in a fresh battery if this is the case. I'm rotating 6 batts methodically 'round the horn . . . Like you, I stop vaping for a while when she starts to heat up.

Also, there may be a correlation with the batteries running at too low of volts. Aren't they 3.7v batteries or something like that? Sometimes I get the heat up (venting) when I check and the volts are too low.
Combine the low bat with the low volts and the correlation rises. I don't let my unit get too hot. When it heats up I check these things and more.
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Platinum Contributor
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What battery are you using? I have an IPV mini 2, and mine never gets warm.


Bronze Contributor
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Also, there may be a correlation with the batteries running at too low of volts. Aren't they 3.7v batteries or something like that? Sometimes I get the heat up (venting) when I check and the volts are too low.

The batteries are 3.7v nominal... full voltage is at 4.2v and empty is considered around 3.2-3.4v ( depending on who you ask )

Don't use venting to mean heated up.... the term venting is used when the battery has a catastrophic failure where the battery started discharging gases sometimes explosively.


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It's a .2 ohm coil. It will get warm. Just keep on vaping, it's fine. The battery level has nothing to do with it and neither does the volts.


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I have samsung 25r batteries. And I'm sticking to my story that on half low batts and volts below 3.2 when my mini starts to get hot it makes a huge difference to let it cool off, put in a fresh battery, recheck the volts/ohms ratio and try again without making the unit hotter and hotter and hotter by continuing to pull on it.
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I wouldn't think that vaping at 25w on a 0.2Ω coils ( which is pulling just over 11a ) would make the battery more than just a bit warm. I vape my Subtanks at 23w on 0.5Ω ( just under 7a ) and don't notice any warmth to speak of.

I should also mention the first purple eFest 18650's that were/are being sold as 35a are not... they are 20a batteries with a 35a burst possible for under a sec. The 35a rating mentioned is just marketing hype and shouldn't be relied upon. These eFests have a high internal resistance... due to that they sag a lot... still not much of a reason to think they'd get excessively hot, just a little warm at best.


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I have samsung 25r batteries. And I'm sticking to my story that on half low batts and volts below 3.2 when my mini starts to get hot it makes a huge difference to let it cool off, put in a fresh battery, recheck the volts/ohms ratio and try again without making the unit hotter and hotter and hotter by continuing to pull on it.

You should never take a lithium down below about 80% charge... that's around 3.4v ( some say higher so you aren't working the battery so hard ). If you go below 3.4v you are shortening the lifespan of the battery and the battery itself may be the one getting hot/warm.

I don't take mine down below about 1/2 on the battery scale before I consider changing the battery or charging it. The eFest's I've got wiill sag at that point to where they are unusable... my Sony VT4's still work ok but I do worry a little still so I play it safe.


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maybe the OP and my units are flawed? Mine can get quite hot similar to what chuckpie85 reports. I know that continuing to press the fire button on and on under these conditions is highly unnverving and the only thing I've noticed is well the battery's low (thanks rdsok) and I'm vaping well below 3.2 volts. Once I correct these two issues then the problem goes away. I still love the mini2. I've used her and abused her and she still boots up!

Cloudy Peak Vapes

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I just got my Mini in today, and have had no strange heat issues, though I'm at .4. @rdsok is a wise man, and gave you good info. Especially with those batteries. Though at the wattage your at, you're not pushing their amp limit, .2 is still really low, and I'd probably only feel safe with some VTC's.


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... I'm vaping well below 3.2 volts....

You really need to stop vaping the battery that low.. it's very hard on the battery and it's a safety issue also because of that.

When my bats get about 1/2 as I mentioned... I occasionally watch the battery meter by pushing the button without vaping on it... you'll see the sag I mentioned earlier... I stop vaping on mine when it sags to the bottom of the scale and that puts me in the 3.6-3.7v range on the battery itself which is overly cautious but much safer also. If I wait a little before starting to charge the battery ( after doing as mentioned ), the voltage will come up a little and I'll typically see about 3.7-3.8v on my charger... but they did initially go down the other value.


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Doesnt the v2 not have step down? If so he may be vaping a much higher wattage then he thinks?


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You really need to stop vaping the battery that low.. it's very hard on the battery and it's a safety issue also because of that.

When my bats get about 1/2 as I mentioned... I occasionally watch the battery meter by pushing the button without vaping on it... you'll see the sag I mentioned earlier... I stop vaping on mine when it sags to the bottom of the scale and that puts me in the 3.6-3.7v range on the battery itself which is overly cautious but much safer also. If I wait a little before starting to charge the battery ( after doing as mentioned ), the voltage will come up a little and I'll typically see about 3.7-3.8v on my charger... but they did initially go down the other value.
I think he means that his voltage is set to below 3.2. Isnt the cuttoff 3.2 anyway?


Bronze Contributor
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I think he means that his voltage is set to below 3.2. Isnt the cuttoff 3.2 anyway?

Ok... mine does show 3.2v when set to 10.5w and 2.0v when set to 5w.... but I'm not sure that it can actually output that. Also know that manufactures don't follow the recommended lowest voltage typically so just because they can drain a battery down to 3.2v means it's safe to do that.

The listed limits I've seen on some websites is...



So, according to that, input can be as low as 3.2v... but the output limit is 3.6v-8.5v

But let's qualify that... I've also see other values on other websites than what I list above but usually in the wattage area. Mine did come with a manual but it was the 30w manual and not a 70w one, making harder for me to say exactly. I don't have an inline voltmeter so I can't test the actual amount


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thanks for everyone's input. I don't let my batteries go below half as I've killed some in the past this way. Should I try to find some vtc4 Sony batteries would this be a better option? If so anyone has a reputable source?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 4 Years
thanks for everyone's input. I don't let my batteries go below half as I've killed some in the past this way. Should I try to find some vtc4 Sony batteries would this be a better option? If so anyone has a reputable source? and are both reputable sources that only carry legit batteries.
im running my ipv mini 2 also with the artic subtank .2ohms with either samsung or preferably sony vtc4's. and i never had that problem, i also stop using my battery when its at 50 % and throw it on the charger for battery functionality and to keep its productivity top notch.

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