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Is there any advantage to using flattened round wire over ribbon wire?


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
I've been interested in flattening round wire for coils, and just wondered if it would even be worth it, I use some ribbon wire for builds right now and am starting to think how much different could flattened wire and ribbon wire be? Shouldn't the fuctionon about the same? Would love someone's opinion?


Cranky Old Fart
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I've been interested in flattening round wire for coils, and just wondered if it would even be worth it, I use some ribbon wire for builds right now and am starting to think how much different could flattened wire and ribbon wire be? Shouldn't the function about the same? Would love someone's opinion?
I would think that ribbon wire would be consistent while the self flattened wire would not be unless you are very good.


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
I would think that ribbon wire would be consistent while the self flattened wire would not be unless you are very good.
Alright awesome then, I don't need to waste my time flattening wire, if it basically same prolly worse than ribbon lol


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There was a guy on another forum that loves "rectangular" wire. It's like "ribbon" wire, but not so big a difference in dimensions. I never got around to trying it and it's hard to find. From memory I think it was 0.3 x 0.9 mm. I would not bother trying to flatten single round wire BUT... others have suggested making twisted pair of wires (I have done this before and it's easy with a drill) and slightly flatten that. They showed pictures and did a very good job (but not sure how they did it) My twisted pair was 26 ga kanthal but it had slow "ramp up" time... might try again with 28 ga. The trick going to be how to EVENLY flatten it. Good luck. I'll see if I can find out more on this.


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Yeah, ribbon wire is just a designation for .1mm wire while flat wire is slighlty thicker. (As far as every website ive been to that sells it)
Ive actually heard its pretty good, but not something different level. Its used as cores a lot


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I'm trying to recall if it was here on VU or on ECF. I'm 63 so my memory is not reliable. I know he did not use a hammer! That will not work. I'm thinking of trying this myself (the flattened twisted pair) Do you have a big vice? A couple pieces of thick steel and a vice... just do a couple inches at a time. This is what I might use (cut it in half and smooth the edges with a grinder):
I'm lucky... have many tools.
I think it was NiChrome (Ni80) wire... is that softer than Kanthal? Hey I love doing stuff like this... if it works, I might send you some ;)
What is your application (RDA, RTA, ect) and what power do you expect to use?
I have an Axial RDA that is made for dual coils (hate anything that requires mounting two coil in the same holes) Want to make a single 4mm ID coil for it... this would be perfect.
Keep in mind that some builds where you normally use simple round wire it may not mount well with anything but round wire (old school like my Lemo 2 where you have to wrap the wire around a mounting screw)


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OK... so the guy who loves "rectangular" wire is here on VU (or at least used to be) I remember him from ECF. @Don29palms are you still around?

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