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issue using aeolus gigue on praxis decimus

My wife got me the decimus and the gigue for my birthday, but I can only get them to work together by leaving the tank partially unscrewed. This is causing my connection to be very temperamental. If I don't have it on perfectly there's no telling what my resistance will measure if at all. And there's just something unsettling about my tank kinda wobbling. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Ps-I just found out it's the Aeolus made by Gigue, not the other way around.
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Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you could try getting a 510 heatsink, the heatsink may make better connection to your mod, and the tank may sit flush on the heatsink, it's worth a shot if all else fails.

There's tons of options, maybe try one with an adjustable positive pin, FT has a bunch to choose from sink
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Thank you, I figured it out though. Right off the bat I switched the coil from the .4 ohm already in the tank to the other coil in the box when I noticed it was .15. Apparently it's for temp control only which my mod does not have. However I was getting less resistance, waaayyy better flavor and bigger clouds from the .15 even when the connection wasn't just right. Am I gonna get sick and die due to the nickel if I keep using the .15?


Silver Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If the 0.15 ohm coil is a nickel coil, it should only be used in Temp Control. Nickel and Titanium coils can only be used in TC modes, but Stainless Steel can work in both, so I would see if your tank has SS coil options. SS will run in power mode so you don't need a TC mod, and will give a lot better flavor than Ni/Ti coils will, and they'll last longer too.

The problem with Nickel is after a certain temperature, the wire will start releasing Nickel Dioxide, which is dangerous to your health, but TC mods limit how high you can set the Temp to avoid this issue. When trying to Dry Pulse Nickel in Power Mode, you can actually see the wire melt from achieving too high a Temp, which is what makes it dangerous (you don't want to inhale molten nickel).

DO NOT continue using the Nickel coil without a TC mod.

The reason the mod wasn't recognizing the atomizer is because the mod couldn't properly read the TCR (Temperature Coefficient of Resistance) because Nickels resistance changes under load. The easier draw and bigger clouds is because the coil was a lower ohm rating (loosely stated, lower ohm coils produce bigger clouds). The better flavor is attributed to the TC nature of the wire. Temp Control will produce better flavor by regulating the Temp of the coil, preventing it from going over a set Temp, as juices will taste differently at different temperatures.

I hope that answers most of your concerns, I would recommend getting some regular Kanthal coil heads, or SS coils if they're available for that tank, and see if they come in a lower ohm rating. Most companies will make .25 / .50 / 1.0 / 1.5 ohm coils for their tanks, so hopefully you can find ones more suited to your needs.

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