So one day at work I was setting up a mech mod for my boss and didn't have a spare RDA with me. I thought "aha" I have one in my car, I went out to my car. Screwed on the TANK and proceeded to fire it to see if it was working group properly. About a half second went by and I thought. Good lord I've made a mistake but before I could drop it I made myself a pipe bomb and it went off in my hand. The tank was an Atlantis and that decided to shoot directly into my eyebrow (I'm lucky I stI'll have two eyes to be honest) the rest of the mod basically had peeled apart and completely destroyed me. 6 hours later and 10 stitches I had to walk home (still drugged) 6 miles because none of my computer workers wanted to pick me up.
Moral of the story, double or even triple check each setup before you fire people. It's easy to get Gung ho about a a new build or RDA etc but be safe
Moral of the story, double or even triple check each setup before you fire people. It's easy to get Gung ho about a a new build or RDA etc but be safe