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Jan 2016 Explodathon - Tenn. teen burned by exploding vape warns of potential dangers


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"His vape mod was missing its battery case on the back. Preston believes his car keys, which were also in his pocket, created the blaze."


Same story more info:

"Preston's vape box was missing the back case that covers the battery, and after it had fallen off the teen thinks his keys touching the batteries caused them to "ground out" and ignite a fire. Preston says that although the batteries are usually wrapped, cuts in the battery wrapping could expose the batteries and bring the potential for danger. As for why the battery case was off, users can change the wattage in that area of the vape with the batteries, but the screws had fallen off. Preston was using the vape without issue like this for "five or six months," until he fatefully placed his keys in his pocket next to the exposed batteries."

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