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Jan 2016 Explodathon - Woman could be scarred for life after an E-cigarette exploded in her face


Under Ground Hustler
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"‘My partner and I will never smoke e-cigs again or have them in the house. They are dangerous. I am not a big smoker, I don’t smoke cigarettes and I only use the e-cigarette around twice a day.

I want to raise awareness so this doesn’t happen to anyone else. I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.

‘My daughter gets upset when she looks at me, so I have to wear sunglasses in the house.”

The couple are now planning to quiz EFEST, who manufacture the batteries, to find out what caused the explosion.

Adam, 27, said: ‘Kirby was millimetres away from losing her sight. It needs to be investigated.’

EFEST, who are based in China, have yet to comment."

I'm glad her and her partner will never "smoke" e-cigs again

They are non smokers who walked into a vape shop and said they wanted to blow clouds.
They were sold a high wattage device or mech mod, something they didn't even need to start with.

A smoker who switches to vaping may start with a cigilike or and ego twist, then they move on to a kanger sub box kit or something similar, learning a whole lot about vaping along the way.
By the time they get to a high wattage device (if they go that far) they RESPECT the power of the device enough to take the very minor few safety precautions to not blow off their faces or nut sacks off.

Non Smokers want to skip to the most risky device not giving a shit about safety some so stupid that they stick live batteries in their pockets with keys and change.

Trying to sue after having a device or live 18650 with no case vent is the equivalent of sticking your hands in an electrical socket then wanting to sue the maker of the socket and the electrical company for not warning them of electrocution when they were sold /rented the house. - 5150


Under Ground Hustler
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"Kirby Sheen's eyelid was split in two by the mouth piece of the device which blew up as she put a battery in the device on Wednesday afternoon.

The 24-year-old, from Salford, was testing the battery in her partner's device after her machine stopped working.

She wanted to check if it was the battery or device that was faulty but now says she could be scarred for life after it exploded."

So she had a dead short in her mod and instead of inspecting the mod she tried the battery in another mod then put the battery back into her dead shorted mod and fired it for god knows how many times and it vented.

"She had put the battery in a device belonging to her partner Adam Burgess, 27, to test as her e-cigarette had stopped working.

The battery fit fine but exploded shortly afterwards, causing her injuries."

Are you fucking kidding me?

"She wanted to check if it was the battery or device that was faulty"???

You don't stick a battery in a bunch of different mods to "test" it.
You stick a DIFFERENT BATTERY in your mod and if it works then the other battery is bad and is not to be used anymore EVER under any circumstance.

When you buy an unregulated product you are to expect an unregulated product and that is why you need to do the research yourself.
None of these products paid to do the research themselves in order to get a fake rubber stamp seal of approval from the FDA


Miss Sheen was horrified when the device, its charred remains pictured left, exploded in her face. She says she and her partner Adam Burgess will no longer have them in the house

I Do not see an ecig anywhere in this picture do you? - 5150

Barbara E.

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Too fucking familiar purple wrapper.

To be fair, I've seen cheap Chinese batteries that used the exact same purple wrapper and the same fonts. Fooled me for a second until I took a second look.


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This isn't a vaporizer safety concern it's a li ion cell concern.. if you don't know battery safety this can happen by setting your battery in the wrong place. It's not the mods fault that people don't know battery saftey..

Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk


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To be fair, I've seen cheap Chinese batteries that used the exact same purple wrapper and the same fonts. Fooled me for a second until I took a second look.

I don't understand. This batt was an Efest.

Barbara E.

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Any time I read one of these news reports I *wish* there was a way for the vaping community to quiz the person that had the accident.

I agree. It's impossible to determine what the problem may have been given the lack of detail available in the article. On a side note, I'd love to see her 'quiz Efest'.

PS - Sorry, I missed that. I was just looking at the picture, didn't realize that she specifically said it was an Efest battery.


Under Ground Hustler
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To be fair, I've seen cheap Chinese batteries that used the exact same purple wrapper and the same fonts. Fooled me for a second until I took a second look.

Something like this?:

20150810_225103.jpg 20150810_225326.jpg


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Something like this?:

I just scanned the barcode on the batts in your pic, and it came back to:

Efest IMR 18650 2500 mAh Flat Top 3.7V LI-MN High Drain 35 Amps

If I was any sort of reputable batt maker, there are so many other colors to choose from. As a consumer, I cannot ever see myself buying a purple batt made by anybody.

Barbara E.

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I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that that's what 5150sick is saying. His photos are not of authentic efest batteries, they just look similar. So, just by looking at the picture in the original article, it's possible that it's a 'clone' efest. When I originally read the article, I didn't notice that the woman specifically said it was an efest.


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I think (correct me if I'm wrong) that that's what 5150sick is saying. His photos are not of authentic efest batteries, they just look similar. So, just by looking at the picture in the original article, it's possible that it's a 'clone' efest. When I originally read the article, I didn't notice that the woman specifically said it was an efest.

The couple are now planning to quiz EFEST, who manufacture the batteries, to find out what caused the explosion.

Adam, 27, said: ‘Kirby was millimetres away from losing her sight. It needs to be investigated.’

EFEST, who are based in China, have yet to comment.

Read more:


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Yes, the article says it's efast, even the couple believes them to be efast.

But sometimes vendors sell clones as authentic.
Sometimes knowingly, sometimes because theier supplier told them they were authentic when they weren't.


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I'm going to call bullshit. End user stupidity is not a design flaw.

And even though many here have stated time and again the dangers of using Efest. I've kept 4 Efest 2100 mAh in rotation for 3 months now, with zero issues. That said, I never push their limits. And I damn sure won't be testing it in another mod. New batteries are a hell of a lot cheaper than a seeing eye dog.


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idiots walk into vape shops, and the only concern they have is...."I want to blow big clouds"....Hi I want to walk as close to the edge of the cliff as possible,blindfolded...can you help me.


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Thats what happens when you flirt with the space/time continuum rocking those 40 CD 4000Mah 18650's Efests....Reality will being you back, but it may not be in one piece....:cool:

Im glad to see all these people in these articles research everything they use before using it...:rolleyes:


Under Ground Hustler
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I just scanned the barcode on the batts in your pic, and it came back to:

Efest IMR 18650 2500 mAh Flat Top 3.7V LI-MN High Drain 35 Amps

If I was any sort of reputable batt maker, there are so many other colors to choose from. As a consumer, I cannot ever see myself buying a purple batt made by anybody.

I bought them (invested $10 for science:)) from a local flea market vendor who when I walked up was telling a guy with a mech that these batteries were the shit.

After pulling the other vaper to the side and telling him to run, run fast & far to a vape shop giving him terms like "High Drain Safe Technology" and "Unsafe ICR" and "rewrapped unsafe ICR" then throwing out some names like Sony, LG, and Samsung I bought a par of these "totally awesome super safe" batteries that the shitty flea market vendor was selling for $10.

I brought them home to unwrap one to see if it was a rewrap. (It has NO markings underneath the single light purple wrap.)
I tested the other and it got hot really quick and wouldn't fire even at half power in my old IPV Mini (other batteries fire until they are shown to be fully drained)

This all happened during the summer and I started a thread warning people of these look-a-like efests

When I read the story aboout the efests (They will never find out if they were real by that pile of dust that's left) I thought about these look-a-likes I found and posted a couple pics from my little experiment.


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I bought them (invested $10 for science:)) from a local flea market vendor who when I walked up was telling a guy with a mech that these batteries were the shit.

After pulling the other vaper to the side and telling him to run, run fast & far to a vape shop giving him terms like "High Drain Safe Technology" and "Unsafe ICR" and "rewrapped unsafe ICR" then throwing out some names like Sony, LG, and Samsung I bought a par of these "totally awesome super safe" batteries that the shitty flea market vendor was selling for $10.

I brought them home to unwrap one to see if it was a rewrap. (It has NO markings underneath the single light purple wrap.)
I tested the other and it got hot really quick and wouldn't fire even at half power in my old IPV Mini (other batteries fire until they are shown to be fully drained)

This all happened during the summer and I started a thread warning people of these look-a-like efests

When I read the story aboout the efests (They will never find out if they were real by that pile of dust that's left) I thought about these look-a-likes I found and posted a couple pics from my little experiment.
They sold those one FT :D, looks like they changed the wrapper since I saw them they are GPowers!

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