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Joyetech cuboid mini 80w tc kit launching


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Member For 4 Years
The newest Joyetech cuboid mini 80 watts temperature control kit comes with the new NotchCoil 0.25ohm DL head brings you best vaping experience. The cuboid mini kit comes with a compact size and powered by single 18650 battery, it also comes with multiple attractive colors for you to choose.

Click here to buy Joyetech cuboid mini 80w tc kit


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Member For 2 Years
So what is the big difference between the Cuboid Mini and the VTC MIni. I always just thought of the Cuboid as a dual batt Evic VTC Mini. Haven't really compared them though. My current setup of Reuleaux DNA for power and my Evic VTC Mini for portability has me covered right now.

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